Positive Thinking Quotes: How to Pick the Right Ones for You!


  • Author Suzanne Glover
  • Published December 28, 2011
  • Word count 594

Choosing positive thinking quotes, positive sayings and other encouragement quotes can be fun when you know a few simple tricks to making them fit for you. This article gives you three tips for choosing which positive quotes are good quotes that find happiness inside and are the best ones for you.

TIP ONE: First, let's briefly discuss the importance of keeping quotes on positive thinking, hope quotes and other encouraging positive phrases around you. While it's been said for a long time that we are a product of our environment, many times we forget exactly how true this simple concept is when leading our daily lives where we are constantly bombarded with negativity. Just like a flower that is fed and watered with nutrients so it can bloom, so we must feed ourselves with positivity quotes, hope quotes, positive sayings and overall good quotes that offset the doom and gloom we absorb from today's media influences. To put it simply, if you put a white potato in a bowl of purple water, you're going to have a purple infused potato. So, if you put yourself in a "bowl of negative exposure daily," you're going to have a "negatively infused body, mind and spirit." One the other hand, if your purple water is a "bowl of positive exposure daily," you're going to have a "positively infused body, mind and spirit."

By keeping positive thinking quotes, positive sayings, positive attitude quotes and overall good quotes around you, you are able to "infuse" your mind, body and spirit with uplifting material that feeds you and helps you bloom.

TIP TWO: Next, you'll want to find a way to keep your encouragement quotes and other positive phrases around you in such a manner that you don't have to remember to recite them or even read them. For example, let's say you've chosen some great encouragement quotes that make you feel hopeful and great, but you're so busy all day long that it's difficult to keep them in front of yourself long enough to be "infused with the hope they provide." In other words, your potato doesn't have enough water to fully become positively purple!

So, you'll want to make it easy to absorb your positive sayings, positivity quotes and overall good quotes in such a manner that you don't even see them. One of my favorite ways of doing this is to play them as subliminal messages over my stereo so my subconscious hears them all the time. Another way is to get some good positive thinking quotes on postcards or posters and hang them up on your walls so you're "physically infused with positivity" from all around you. Or, having a good screen saver on your computer that shows quotes on positive thinking all day long would be great too. My point is to find some way to "infuse yourself" enough to get fully saturated with hope quotes and positive attitude quotes so your energy "invisibly" shifts to being more positive.

TIP THREE: Lastly, when choosing positive thinking quotes and other encouragement quotes, you want to feel the "zing of happiness" when you read or hear them. This "zing" is your emotional intelligence telling you that this particular positive quote is just what you need.

Choosing quotes on positive thinking using these three tips is fun and easy and helps you ensure that you are "infusing your potato" with hope quotes, positive phrases, positivity quotes and other good quotes that will speak directly to your spirit and feed you exactly what you need to bloom and grow.

Suzanne Glover offers free positive thinking quotes postcards as well as more free advice on effortlessly becoming positive using silent subliminal messaging at effective-positive-thinking.com.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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