Benefits of Going for a Beach Holiday

Travel & LeisureTravel Tips

  • Author Nur Haryanti Sazali
  • Published January 17, 2012
  • Word count 547

Desire to go for a holiday but torn in between the two most nerve wrecking decisions – city break or beach holiday? This is exactly one of the most commonly occurring situations for those planning a getaway. To prevent such thing from occurring, it is good to realize the purpose of you holiday beforehand.

Read on if your main excuse for a vacation is to escape from your mundane daily routines because the answer to that is, of course, a beach holiday.

Stress Reliever

A beach holiday is synonymous to being away from it all. The usual hectic schedule, the morning rush, the packed trains and mostly, the hustle and bustle of city life. Needless to say, you will spend most of your time on the beach or out in the sea, swimming or snorkeling, so you will see a great deal of Mother Nature.

Listening to the sounds of the sea and waves will naturally and instantly put your mind and body in a relaxed mode. As a beach destination is usually under-commercialized, you will spend most of your time there just idling away rather than going on shopping sprees.

Live Like the Locals

Going for a beach holiday usually means living the low life. You get to eat, drink and see what the true local people get. If you love local cuisines, then a beach holiday will definitely please you. The food in such places are usually made traditionally rather than an altered version of the same dish to captivate foreign palates.

Space and Privacy

As beach destinations are usually less developed when compared to cities, there are minimal buildings and infrastructures. In other words, there are more open spaces for you to roam around with lesser crowd obstructing your way. A beach destination is also an ideal place to go for a honeymoon as you will have more privacy, wherever you go.

Money Saving

Because such places are normally under-commercialized, there are not much shopping malls (if any at all). You will not find yourself on a shopping spree and buying stuffs on impulse so you will definitely save a lot of money on this aspect. Also, beach locations are usually very localized in a way that almost everything you find there are made for the locals. In other words, there is a wide range of cheap dining and street shopping options for you.

Kids Will Love It!

With all the open space and the freedom to run around without having to fear of knocking into things, children will definitely love the place. With all the sun, sand and sea, kids will have a great time building sandcastles, swimming and getting the right amount of Vitamin D from the sun. Just remember to put on some sun block lotion to prevent getting sunburns!

Thailand is Home to Beautiful Beach Holiday Destinations

The beach and the low costs - where can you get the best of both worlds? The answer is, of course, Thailand. Thailand has a couple of beautiful beaches in Krabi, Phuket, Phi Phi, Lanta, Trang, Surat Thani and Pang Nga. With its soft, white sandy beaches and crystal clear sea, coming to Thailand for a beach-holiday is definitely the right choice for you if you are looking for a relaxing and quiet getaway.

Krabifinder is a travel website hosting a range of information for your trip to these places. It features information on nightlife, food and dining, activities and also accommodations going at exclusive rates when you make your reservations through Krabifinder. Plan your beach-vacation with Krabifinder now!

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