Animal Conservation Work in South Africa – The Big 5

Travel & Leisure

  • Author Nick Christie
  • Published March 29, 2012
  • Word count 521

So have you decided to take a year off from study before venturing into the great wide world of employment but not sure what to do? You could party with your friends, you could laze around or even do some odd jobs to pay your way. But is this really the best use of a year off?

If you have a passion for wildlife why not consider something thrilling, exciting and a true experience of a lifetime. Nothing comes more thrilling and exciting than heading off to Africa and volunteering in Animal Conservation Work. Life on a game reserve in Africa will truly open your eyes to new cultures and a completely different way of life and it could be one of the most productive ways in which to use your gap year. If you are interested in Animal Conservation work then you may want to consider looking at a project on one of South Africa’s Big Five Game reserves such as Pumba Private Game Reserve.

Animal Conservation Work at Pumba.

If you want to learn about the Big 5; lion, leopard, buffalo, rhino and elephant then volunteering at Pumba Game Reserve is the ideal place for your adventure to start. You will experience pioneering conservation work that is the main arteries behind the reserves heartbeat, the dedicated team will introduce you to the day to day running of the reserve and the delicate balance of the eco system.

With over 200 species of wildlife roaming free on the reserve you will have an eventful and busy time working alongside the conservation team. Animal conservation work on the reserve is critically important to the protection and sustainment of the wildlife that exists in this delicate yet abundant eco system. Your animal conservation work will see you out in the wild of Africa playing an important role in various research projects such as leopard monitoring and anti poaching patrols to help the preservation of the critically endangered rhino species. One of the most exciting and ground breaking research projects you will be involved in is working with the reserves pride of white lion. These extremely rare lions originated in the Timbavati region of Southern Africa, until hunting drove them to near extinction. The white lion gene, up until several years ago, only existed in captive environments such as zoos and sanctuaries. It has therefore been the passion of the team at Pumba to release the only free roaming, wild, white lion pride back onto the plains of the Eastern Cape. Working with these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat really is the pinnacle of animal conservation work in Africa.

By taking part in animal conservation work you have so much to gain. Not only will you return home with a lifetime of memories but you will also have the satisfaction of making a real difference to endangered wildlife species. You will, hopefully, also return with a new found passion for wildlife and help spread the word of the amazing work that reserves, such as Pumba, are doing. What a great way to help set you up for the next step in your life!

Nick Christie is the Managing Director of Gap Africa Projects, an online tour operator offering experiences in animal conservation work (

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