Tips On Finding The Ideal Approach As A Parent


  • Author Don Louis
  • Published July 7, 2012
  • Word count 506

When you're a parent, you face a constant series of challenges as your child goes through all the different stages of growing up. Consistency really is the key to getting through these difficult times, as well as using proven strategies that actually work. The following strategies are a compilation of things that really do work and can help parents raising kids.

The first rule of parenting, in order to have a strong relationship with your children, is to spend time with them. This is not about a group meeting, but spending quality individual time with each kid in the family. Spending time with your kids individually has to occur in isolation from any other event in the family. You can do almost anything that the child enjoys including playing a game with them or flying a kite. Even a few minutes of such quality time can go a long way, and keep you informed about what the child is doing and how he or she is feeling. As a parent, it's important that you stay connected to your children on a regular basis.

Some parents will actually raise their kids the same way that they were raised, something you should not do. Now, in some rare cases, this isn't a problem, but this is only if you had the ideal parents who made no mistakes. Many of us had parents that were unable to make good decisions in their attempts to parent us. The idea isn't to be different for its own sake, but to consciously choose areas where you could do better than your own parents. If you're parents were horrible at discipline, you should do your best to not repeat the mistakes that they made.

Yelling at your kids is probably the worst thing you can choose to do, as there are many alternatives to this particular reaction. We are all imperfect people, therefore occasionally we will slip up and yell from day to day. There are many unwanted consequences that may occur if you do this on a regular basis. You can actually desensitize your kids by yelling at them constantly which makes it pointless. Kids learn by example, therefore, it is a good idea to not yell at your kids as they will learn this habit too. Instead of yelling, speak very softly so that your children will have to quiet down to listen to what you say. Parenting involves many elements and it always involves challenges. Whatever has happened in the past is beyond changing, so you can only look towards the future. The guidelines we've covered in this article can be useful in choosing the most effective parenting style for you.

These particular parenting recommendations can be quite helpful for you and also for your child, even so they probably won't do the job if you have troubles in the marriage.

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