Colocation Solutions - Advantages and Disadvantages

Computers & Technology

  • Author Kevin Schmiterson
  • Published May 23, 2012
  • Word count 418

St. Louis, Missouri is the headquarters for many major enterprises, any of which can enjoy a local data facility that can house all of their company information and provide bandwidth according to their individual needs. If you are considering colocation services for your own St. Louis-based company, you may want to consider the advantages and disadvantages of using this type of service. The one advantage that is the no-brainer is that utilizing a data center is more cost-effective than building and maintaining your own server. Having your server in a central location off-site actually gives you full control over that server, and the bandwidth and services you need can be customized, meaning that you won’t pay for more than you are using.

Colocation solutions offer an easily upgradable option. This isn’t present with on-site servers that you maintain yourself. With on-site servers, you will need to have a staff buy extra bandwidth and technology to upgrade the server as needed. Data centers already have the space and bandwidth to offer, so you are more flexible in that regard. Unlike a server being stored in your company’s IT department, a server in a data center is secure with 24/7 security and environmental controls that prevent the technology from overheating. There are also backup systems like generators and fire suppression, which prevent disasters.

Unlike servers that businesses start up and maintain, there is no capital required to virtually rent space and bandwidth with colocation solutions. The bandwidth provided is also powerful and super-fast. While you may be worried about your data if your St. Louis-based business moves elsewhere, you don’t have to be. If your company moves your server can remain where it is, and you can still access it anywhere an Internet connection is available.

The disadvantages of colocation solutions may not be enough to keep you from opting for them for your business, but you still need to be aware of them. Colocation is more expensive than just your basic web hosting, but this is justified by knowing that you are saving a tremendous amount of money by not maintaining your own server on-site. The cost of the service may change from one month to the next like any utility service, but that is to be expected since your bandwidth need changes. Although the servers can be updated at the data center, you still need to purchase those updates, and you are responsible for your server regardless of the security features in the data center.

Get more information on colocation solutions, and see if it is a good fit for your company.

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