The Two Types of Video Surveillance Systems: Digital and Analog


  • Author Kevin Schmiterson
  • Published July 9, 2012
  • Word count 378

Home and business owners can benefit from installing a video surveillance system. These systems can provide protection when businesses are closed or no one is home. In addition to supervising a business or home when not in use, these systems can provide an extra pair of eyes when no one is around. Before installing one of these systems you need to make the critical decision on what type of system to install. The following will look at the two different types of video surveillance systems that are available. This information can help you decide which one is right for you and your business or home.

The first type of video surveillance system that is available to individuals and businesses is an analog system. An analog video surveillance system uses several video cameras to record specific points of interest. These video surveillance systems record onto actually video cassette recorders or DVDs. These VCR or DVDs are used to store the video surveillance. Many industry manufacturers have stopped producing analog video surveillance equipment due to the poor quality of the recordings. Another major drawback was the inability to offer individuals the option to watch videos and recordings via the Internet.

The second type of video surveillance system is the digital surveillance system. Digital video surveillance systems use advanced technology to record multiple hours of footage onto DVR devices. Individuals and businesses often prefer the digital video surveillance system to the analog system for a number of reasons. The first reason for liking the digital video surveillance is the ability to view recorded images at any point in time. Many digital video surveillance systems offer individuals and businesses the ability to watch recorded video feeds straight off the Internet. There is no need to have to find a VCR to watch the images; they can just be uploaded onto the computer.

Another advantage to having a digital video surveillance system is that the images that are recorded are clearer than analog. Analog video surveillance systems tend to appear blocking or pixel-y, while digital video surveillance appears crystal clear and easy to see. The clearer imaging allows individuals to clearly see what is going on in the videos not have to second guess or use high tech software to clear images up.

Before setting up video surveillance systems take into account some of these advantages and disadvantages of both analog and digital systems.

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