How to Get Ready for a Kansas City Bad Breath DDS Visit

Health & Fitness

  • Author Kevin Schmiterson
  • Published August 8, 2012
  • Word count 400

If you are suffering from bad breath, it's not your fault! This sometimes embarrassing condition can arise from any number of factors both within your mouth and throughout the rest of your body. To help your Kansas City bad breath DDS determine just what the source of your particular case is, it is a good idea to briefly inventory your oral health habits before seeing him or her. This could help with a more accurate diagnosis that will assist you in resolving your breath problem -- and the diagnosis is very important, considering bad breath has so many potential causes!

A Kansas City bad breath DDS will no doubt ask about your oral health. It is important to be aware of how many times per day you brush your teeth, for example. Although it may seem unimportant, be ready to let him or her know what kind of toothbrush and toothpaste you use. Since not everyone is very aware of this, write it down or bring an empty tube if you wish. Bad breath is occasionally caused by poor dental hygiene habits that can be easily addressed. However, in order to spot those habits, your dentist expects details from you.

Another area of concern when dealing with chronic bad breath is bleeding or pain in the teeth or gums. Symptoms of this kind can indicate that something very serious is going on in the mouth. One of the most common diseases that produce bleeding of the gums is gingivitis, which can also be the culprit when it comes to bad breath. A Kansas City bad breath DDS will evaluate the health of your teeth and gums to ensure nothing like this is happening. Oral infections can be virtually asymptomatic, yet produce a scent that could be mistaken for bad breath.

When bad breath is very serious and recurs frequently for no obvious reason, the problem could be located elsewhere in the mouth. A Kansas City bad breath DDS may recommend special toothpaste, extensive dental health procedures, flossing, or any kind of dental intervention to resolve the problem. It is important to understand that, while bad breath is not serious on its own, it can be an early warning sign. In the event your dentist finds no cause, you may wish to consider other possible treatments. Changing your diet can help; if you're unsure what to do, consult your general physician.

If you have struggled with bad breath, a Kansas City Bad Breath DDS can help address the problem.

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