Packed Lunch Ideas For Those Looking to Save Money on Food

Foods & Drinks

  • Author Harvey Mcewan
  • Published September 11, 2012
  • Word count 456

What's the most common thing you buy for lunch everyday? For most people it's the humble sandwich in some form or other, or fast food. But £3-£4 a pop adds up to a lot. You can save your precious pennies by bringing a packed lunch with you. Chances are it will also be a lot healthier than the food you can buy commercially.

For Carnivores

Get your lunchtime fix with a sturdy sandwich, or, alternatively, substitute the bread for salad if you fancy a lighter option.

Sandwich meats last for quite some time so if you buy a selection of hams or sausage at the start of the week, it will easily last you until the end of the week. Keep two packets in the fridge at work so you have a choice of what to eat every day and don't get bored after five days.

Either buy a bigger loaf of bread to last you a few days or pop out for fresh rolls every day at lunchtime so you also get a bit of a walk and fresh air.

Buy some condiments like mustard and butter to spice things up a bit, and just keep them in the fridge.

For Vegetarians

Vegetarians have it so easy when it comes to lunch! During your weekly trip to the supermarket, invest in a selection of your favourite seasonal salad veg – cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, avocadoes or whatever tickles your fancy. Buy a bottle of readymade salad dressing or olive oil and balsamic vinegar, as well a little packet of seeds like sesame or sunflower. Notice how that gives you all the right ingredients needed to make a nice, healthy salad? Once in the office at lunchtime, chop the veg and hey presto, a cheap and easy lunch is ready.

If you don't think a salad will be sufficient, buy some crackers or bread rolls to go with it. A spread such as peanut butter or humous will be a nice accompaniment that is also more filling.


You're less likely to want to go and splurge on a big lunch at the deli down the road if you include a few healthy and filling snacks in your lunch box.

Fruit is something you can get away with eating a lot of, and you'll find it won't break the bank. Juicy, pulpy fruits like peaches and nectarines can be quite filling.

A food that is known for its health benefits, substantiality and high level of energy is oats. Buy a packet of oat biscuits and eat them to your heart's content whenever you feel a slight pang of hunger. Just avoid the sugary kind of oat cereal bars that are promoted as being healthy but really aren't.

Harvey McEwan writes to offer information on a variety of areas, from family meal ideas to choosing oat biscuits as a snack. View Harvey's other articles to find out more.

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