Escaping the Hustle and Bustle of Christmas


  • Author Harvey Mcewan
  • Published October 4, 2012
  • Word count 432

Unfortunately, Christmas can be and often is a stressful time of year, largely encouraged by the extreme commercialisation of the occasion. With businesses advertising seasonal product ranges from as early as September, by December the average consumer has had more than enough and just wants things to be over and done with again for another year.

To escape the hustle and bustle of Christmas, why not try something new this year? Instead of stressing about gifts, party outfits and menus, go away somewhere with your family or loved ones. Alternatively, stay on the spot but find out what you can do to "cheat" and make organising the occasion easier for yourself.

Making Things Easier for Yourself

There are many ways in which an individual can prepare for Christmas season before it has even arrived, as well as avoid stress during the actual time of year. One of the easiest ways is by preparing in advance. That way you can not only save yourself from falling victim to a near nervous breakdown, but also save those precious pennies.

No valid argument exists for doing your Christmas shopping at the last minute. By buying your gifts months in advance, you can avoid the crowds, the terrible seasonal music most shops choose to play, and be much kinder to your personal finances. Make use of annual sales, and you could find some real bargains.

Also, plan your menu in advance instead of going to the shop in a last minute frenzy. If you have a complete shopping list, the supermarket visit is likely to pass much quicker and without any hiccups and forgotten items. Nowadays, you can also cheat by buying pre-prepared foods such as ready-cut potatoes that you just need to bung in the oven. Even turkeys can be bought pre-stuffed and basted!

Alternative Celebrations

If you just want to avoid the annual end-of-year hubbub, why not escape somewhere? There are countries around the world that don't celebrate Christmas at all or celebrate it very differently to what it's like back home.

For example, in Australia and other countries in the Southern Hemisphere it's the middle of summer so instead of crowding around the fireplace, people are much more likely to flock to the beach with ample amounts of sunscreen and picnic hampers for a day in the great outdoors.

Looking for something closer to home and less expensive? Hotels throughout the country offer special deals that include accommodation, special meals and entertainment. Just remember to thank the staff who have to work to ensure you have a nice holiday away from it all.

Harvey McEwan writes to offer information on a variety of areas, from family holiday ideas to picnic hampers. View Harvey's other articles to find out more.

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