Rock Sealer Should be a Regular Part of Your Cleaning Routine

HomeHome Improvement

  • Author Kevin Schmiterson
  • Published October 23, 2012
  • Word count 431

One of the biggest misconceptions about natural rock surfaces such as granite, marble or natural tile is that it is indestructible. When you hit a rock with a hammer, that rock will crack or shatter. The same thing can happen if you do not properly care for your rock surfaces. A marble countertop or granite floor is just as fragile as a natural wood surface. There are rock sealer products that you need to use regularly that will help you to protect your natural stone surfaces and prevent any prolonged damage to them from natural elements. When you pay attention to the stone surfaces in your home, they will last longer and give you a look that will really make your home décor stand out.

The first thing that a good rock sealer does is remove the dirt and debris from the pores of your stone surface. Over time, debris left in the pore of stone surfaces can cause the stone to expand and crack. The initial problems will be so subtle that you will not be able to see them. But by the time you can see the problems, it will be too late to do anything about it. That is why you need to use a sealer product to help clean out the pores of your stone surfaces. Removing the dirt and debris from the pores of your stone surfaces also helps to keep your stone bright and the colors brilliant. It is like deep vacuuming your stone to help the shine stand out and keep the dirt out of the picture.

Once the dirt is removed from the stone, the rock sealer will put a protective layer over the stone to help keep out future dirt and keep water from getting into the cracks and pores of your stone as well. Even the most perfect looking stone surface has small cracks that you cannot see. That is a natural part of the stone surface. But if water is allowed to get into those cracks and expand in colder weather, then you will start to see a lot of damage to your stone surface. The protective coating will keep the water out of your stones' cracks and it will also offer another layer of protection to protect your stone from impacts and scratches.

No rock sealer can protect your floor from extreme damage. But when you use a good sealer on a regular basis, then you will be able to protect your stone surface from the damage that can because by all of the dangers you cannot see.

Once the dirt is removed from the stone, the rock sealer will put a protective layer over the stone to help keep out future dirt and keep water from getting into the cracks and pores of your stone.

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