Different Suit Combinations To Help Revitalise Your Wardrobe

ShoppingFashion / Style

  • Author Harvey Mcewan
  • Published October 26, 2012
  • Word count 430

When deciding on what to wear, many of us have the 'go-to' dress, suit or combination of clothes that feel right. But a problem with this mentality is that it limits the functionality of each piece of clothing. By realising the full potential of each and every individual piece of clothing and this includes accessories, it can be simple to increase the combinations and therefore adding to your wardrobe's potential.

Let's specifically look at the suit. A simple choice of clothing that is generally worn at work and special occasions. Something that is placed at the back of the wardrobe and only generally used a few times a year, out with work.

But there are many ways to increase the functionality of a suit, that can open many doors and occasions suitable to wear a suit.

This can be achieved by simply replacing a shirt and tie with a t-shirt. Using a single coloured t-shirt with or without a pattern can compliment a suit greatly. Consider contrasting colours and possibly one of the many mens graphic t-shirts. Whatever your choice is ensure that it is age appropriate and provides an interesting alternative to the formal look.

Because this will make a suit much more casual and comfortable. This can also be spread out into the accessories and shoes worn. By adding colour and accessories and help differentiate what is worn at work and what is acceptable within a casual social event.

By switching the jacket can also provide another gain in opportunities. Its always worth trying to get a second opinion, to ensure the styles not only match but it is stylish.

Moving from the accessories such as watches and cufflinks, consider using a pocket square that can add extra flair and personality. Or even sunglasses, folded into the pocket. Don't forget that during the winter months gloves, scarves and hats are an easy opportunity to mix up not just dressing down a suit, but also giving life to your entire wardrobe.

To finish, don’t forget about the type of shoes you can wear. In a working or formal environment the choice of a dark leather or brown leather shoe with a shine is the expectation. But because the goal is to aim for a casual look, simply changing your footwear is a quick win, having a huge impact.

But what are the replacement options?, although controversial wearing a pair of dark Converse or tennis shoes work well with a suit. Providing a casual alternative to the work shoe. It can also provide a sense of individuality and style.

Harvey McEwan provides information and advice of men’s fashion, from choosing mens graphic t-shirts to a pair of jeans. View Harvey's other articles to find out more.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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