An Essential Guide To The Pocket Square

ShoppingFashion / Style

  • Author Harvey Mcewan
  • Published October 26, 2012
  • Word count 464

Men often have a hard time keeping up-to-date with current fashion trends, or even able to make fashion statements without going overboard. Such items as the pocket square and cuff links can set a man apart and help give a unique and professional image.

As suggested, the pocket square is an essential part of clothing when wearing a suit. As essential as wearing black socks. Many overlook the pocket square because of their insignificance and size, therefore not realising their actual purpose.

Many may consider it to be too excessive or are too shy and therefore do not want to attract further attention to themselves. Whereas, in fact the pocket square can help demonstrate confidence and personal style. Choosing a specific colour that best matches your suit and tie. Showing others that you take appreciation in the way you look. First impressions matter and that is why every little detail can make the difference.

Many will also presume the circumstances will only be within a formal environment, of which they are not likely to experience and when they do the common option is to borrow one. In this scenario, this not only shows lack of preparation and unwillingness to keep up with trends and styles. Whilst increasing the chances of wearing something that simply does not match.

So let's view the simple events and occasions where a pocket square can be worn. Firstly, any formal event whether this is a business meeting to a social gathering a pocket square should be considered essential. As much as the jacket and trousers.

Even, when dressing down with a t-shirt under the suit a pocket square still works, whether you are wearing a tie is not really important. Its important to make things match especially the style and colours. This also includes whether you are wearing a jacket with t-shirt and jeans. The pocket square still has a place.

If your worry is having to make your tie fit, and now a pocket square must be accommodated. It may sound like extra work, but it will surprising how easy it can be. For example lets quickly view how to fold a pocket square into a two point fold.

  1. Begin by layering the handkerchief flat in a diamond shape.

  2. Next, bring the bottom half upwards. Try folding the handkerchief off center so the points do not align.

  3. Lastly. Fold each side in to the center and fold the pocket square into your jacket pocket with the point facing upwards.

In order to improve your appearance further, try matching up a suit with either a trench coat or pea coat. This can help set a stylish yet formal appearance. Something that when needing to wear a pocket square is vital. And also providing essential warmth during the winter months.

Harvey McEwan provides information and advice on style and fashion for men. This ranges from picking the perfect suit to choosing a pea coat. View Harvey's other articles to find out more.

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