Popular uses for a diesel generator

Computers & Technology

  • Author Harvey Mcewan
  • Published November 7, 2012
  • Word count 459

Despite the widespread availability of mains power today, generators are still necessary for many people around the world. There are several types of generators, from electric generators to petrol generators, but their application remains the same: to supply power.

One of the most popular types of generator is a diesel generator. This has various uses in industrial and domestic settings.

Industrial and commercial uses

Diesel generators are popular in industry for a number of reasons. Firstly, diesel fuel is less flammable than gas, so they are broadly safer to operate in an industrial environment. Moreover, diesel generators have a relatively simple design, meaning that they’re easier to fix if things go wrong.

In most cases, diesel generators are kept onsite to be used as back-up if the regular power supply fails. This can happen for a variety of reasons, from power grid maintenance to natural disasters. In these instances, maintaining power may be particularly important in a factory, for example, where a mains power outage can sometimes represent thousands of pounds of lost revenue. However, it’s also important to critical services, like hospitals, which need a regular electricity supply to power vital medical equipment.

Furthermore, diesel generators are very useful for data centres, which need to be able to maintain power to protect access to electronic data. Data centres often provide offsite storage and hosting for businesses, so if it is without power, companies could lose access to their information and websites may be temporarily inaccessible.

Domestic uses

However, diesel generators have a range of domestic uses too. If you live in a rural area where electricity supply is intermittent, especially in times of bad weather, a generator can plug the gaps in power. This may be especially important if you live in an area that often experiences hurricanes or earthquakes.

Even if you have a regular power supply, generators can be useful if you carry out a lot of DIY, for example, or if there’s an outhouse or barn on your property that’s not connected to the mains.

If you’re having an event on your property, a diesel generator may be the perfect way to supply power to a marquee. In these instances, generator rental is likely to be more cost effective than buying a diesel generator outright. However, you should always ensure that your generator is being operated safely and securely during events of this kind. For instance, they should be kept away from your marquee to allow any poisonous fumes to escape, but should also be protected from the rain. If you’re unsure of how to work a diesel generator in a domestic setting, make sure you ask your rental company for instructions or hire a professional to operate it.

Harvey McEwan writes to offer information on a variety of areas, from the uses of diesel generator rental to generator applications. View Harvey's other articles to find out more.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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