Preventative maintenance and cleanliness in batch plants


  • Author Harvey Mcewan
  • Published November 9, 2012
  • Word count 498

To improve efficiency, longevity and turn over in your concrete batch plant it is essential that you devote significant resources to issues such as preventative maintenance and cleanliness.

Setting out guided plans to keep your plant in top condition for as long as possible is essential in helping you improve your bottom line as it will save you both time and money in maintenance as well as potentially improve employee satisfaction and safety. Don't find yourself in a situation where it's necessary to replace equipment before its time or stall production for unscheduled emergency cleaning, plan ahead instead.

Create a formalised maintenance and inspection schedule that will allow your employees the ability to frequently and comprehensively check all relevant areas of your plant. By making this a compulsory part of employment, you're sure to see a drastic decrease in the number of costly breakdowns. This happens because you are making it more likely that minor problems such as noisy bearings, worn belts, leaky air systems and clogged filter bags will be flagged and fixed before they have the chance to develop into full blown breakdowns that will interrupt the concrete batching process.

To ensure that any problems can be fixed in a timely manner, it's also advisable that you have a comprehensive stock of the kind of parts that frequently need replaced. If you already have a maintenance log in place, you'll be able to identify these parts from past experience and if not, you'll find there are many experts and online resources able to help you build a list of critical plant parts such as solenoid valves, air cylinders and bearings. It's also essential that you have various repair kits on site, if you want to be able to save time in the event of a break down.

Cleanliness is key component when it comes to reducing wear and tear within your plant. Keeping a concrete batching plant clean is very difficult, but the benefits far outweigh the difficulties. The abrasive dust thrown off during work can have a very negative effect on essentials such as solenoid valves and cylinders and if you have any moisture in the air, dust can quickly form a hard, problematic crust. A truck loading dust collector is one of the most efficient and easy ways to tackle dust within your plant and can save you a lot of time. Using a central mixer in your concrete plant also increases efficiency and cuts your cleaning time significantly.

There are many different ways for you to keep your plant in top condition, including making sure you always select the most appropriate equipment for the job. Choosing the right chiller hire for your plant is important factor when it comes to boosting efficiency, for example, so be sure to choose a rental company who can provide you with the advanced services you need. Preventative measures are the best way to ensure that you plant can continue to run smoothly and generate you decent profits.

Harvey McEwan is knowledgeable in the field of chiller hire.

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