Issues of temperature control in manufacturing


  • Author Harvey Mcewan
  • Published November 12, 2012
  • Word count 499

Being able to regulate temperature is an essential part of ensuring a safe and secure working environment in your manufacturing plant. The median temperature in your plant will have a direct affect on the health and safety of your workers and the quality of the products you are creating.

Some manufacturing processes need a very strict climate regime to assure the integrity of the products whereas others simply need an ambient temperature that will not cause damage to hardworking machines or power systems. If you don't already know the desired temperature levels for your industry, you must research them and have your working environment assessed immediately.

It's very likely that, aside from the issues connected to deregulated temperature and plant integrity, there are local legislations and health and safety laws that require you to ensure your workers are not exposed to unreasonable temperatures. This is essential for their health and wellbeing but can also be a crucial factor in minimising mistakes or accidents within your factory as imperfect working conditions can also have knock on effects and encourage the potential for human failure. Productivity also tends to be higher in manufacturing plants that offer decent working temperatures.

For the wellbeing of your staff and your equipment, all factories should have a series of regular temperature checks and a fixed procedure to follow when they exceed acceptable levels. It may be that production is forced to cease until temperatures have been brought down to a normal level or additional cooling power may be implemented.

In factories that have problems with heat and moisture build up, dehumidification services are available. These are suitable for factories that are having problems with corrosion or have products that need a period of drying that they are not able to obtain. Enhancement programs or bottlenecks can also be implemented or improved with the help of specific cooling processes designed by an outside professional.

Many factories will need to consider the benefits of installing either permanent cooling solutions or hiring solutions that can be used during peak seasons or unexpected hot spells. From air conditioners to cooling towers or air handling units, there are cooling solutions to cover a huge range of applications, making it possible for even the most difficult circumstances to be addressed.

It can be tempting for manufacturers to assume that because they are experts in what they do, they will be able to handle all aspects of their factory integrity. However, it is often necessary to turn to specialist companies that can offer the expertise needed. When choosing a cooling solution, it is crucial that you turn to a business that has a long track record in facilitating improved conditions for a wide range of factories.

You need a business that can operate quickly to help you minimise downtime and, ideally, a company that not only provides cooling solutions, but also optional generator rental that can continue to power your cooling and plant solutions and help avert disaster should unexpected circumstances arise.

Harvey McEwan is knowledgeable in the field of generator rental.

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