The Perks of a Sailing Holiday

Travel & Leisure

  • Author Harvey Mcewan
  • Published November 21, 2012
  • Word count 460

Sailing holidays are a very specific type of holiday which there are many reasons to indulge in. Have you ever considered a voyage on the seas? Whether you're a skilled sailor or a complete newbie, there are options for all levels of traveller. Sailing makes for a pleasant change from travelling on land and can please adults and kids alike. Consider just some of the perks of a sailing holiday.


One of the main perks of sailing is the element of privacy. Essentially, your boat is your resort. With only you, your guests and crew (if you have one) on board, you can do whatever you like without worrying that it may disturb other residents, as is the case in hotels.

So, if you feel like revelling well into the wee hours, by all means do so while out on the seas. You won't have any porters or night managers to report to.

Personalised Service

If you are a newbie to the world of sailing, you'll definitely have a crew on board to drive the yacht and take care of your safety. Staff can also be employed to take care of cooking and cleaning duties. Even experienced yachtsmen often choose to employ staff members to allow for a more relaxing holiday.

Being in such close proximity to your staff means you're likely to get to know them well and vice versa. With only you and your guests to cater for, the team is likely to deliver a very personalised service, unlike large resorts where there is no time for such individual attention.


Having a boat of your own rewards you with a great amount of flexibility.

At hotels guests are expected to have breakfast at set times of day. This means having to wake up quite early every day to make it on time. When sailing, however, you have the choice to wake up and dine whenever you feel like it.

This is not the only way in which flexibility is a perk of sailing holidays. You are also free to determine and change your holiday route as per your wishes. Fancy spending a few more nights in the Middle East? Do so. Just make sure the boat has enough fuel or book a berth at a nearby marina that will take care of the refuelling for you.

From marinas in Middle East to the Spanish coast, these offer glamorous facilities at which to moor your yacht, giving you the opportunity to step on dry land and explore an array of exotic locations.

Whilst you are touring the area, you can arrange for your decks to be washed, linen to be laundered and boat refuelled. The sense of freedom you get on a sailing holiday really is irreplaceable.

Harvey McEwan writes on a plethora of topics from marinas in Middle East to the newest trends in fashion. Read his articles online.

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