Grand Canyon Air - Spectacular Helicopter Rides

Travel & Leisure

  • Author Susan Bissonnette
  • Published January 31, 2013
  • Word count 558

Practically everyone who takes an aerial tour of the Grand Canyon agrees that is the best way to fully appreciate the beauty of the scenic wonder. Seeing the region from the air gives you an entirely different perspective than viewing it by ground. These tours are not as costly as you probably think they are, especially since it is easy to find special deals and discounts for them.

It has taken the Colorado River billions of years to carve out this immense gouge in the Earth's surface. At one time the region looked much like the Himalayan Mountains do today. It took millions of years, but the mountains eventually eroded and the region became a plain. But once again powerful geological forces thrust the land upward. The Colorado River wound itself through the land, carving rock as it flowed through.

The Grand Canyon has come to be one of the most popular National Parks in the United States. But thousands of years ago, it was the home of indigenous people who hunted and fished in the region. Around 500 B.C. the Pueblo Indians came to the Grand Canyon and stayed until around 1150 A.D. when they departed and left what are today their ancient ruins. The first Europeans didn't arrive in the area for another 400 years, sometime around 1540 A.D.

A Spanish conquistador known as Francisco Coronado explored the American southwest nearly eighty years prior to the Pilgrims' landing at Plymouth Rock. The Hopi Indians told Coronado about a great river located there and in seeking it, the Spaniards became the first European people to see the Grand Canyon. They turned back after three days in the area, failing to find a passage across the great chasm.

Three centuries passed before John Wesley Powell led the next serious expedition to the Grand Canyon. Powell followed the route of the Colorado River and he attempted to map the area as he went. The expedition lost three boats and three men to the river before it landed in the area where the man-made Lake Mead sits today. Powell published his findings, which convinced many to travel there for scientific study.

Soon, the immense geological and historical importance of the are became clear. Flagstaff, Arizona grew into a departure point for visitors on their way to the canyon by train. Then in 1919, the Grand Canyon was designated a National Park by a congressional act. It continues to be one of the most spectacular natural wonders of the world, and it's an extremely popular tourist attraction.

It's possible to explore the National Park on foot, but many sightseers now prefer taking one of the Grand Canyon helicopters that fly from Grand Canyon National Park Airport or Las Vegas. Modern sightseeing helicopters are used in tours of the South Rim and these offer the ultimate in comfort and convenience. Because the viewing windows are over-sized, you get an amazing view of the scenery below as you pass over it.

You might think that sightseeing from Grand Canyon helicopters would be expensive, but helicopter discounts can reduce the cost significantly. You'll get the best deals online though if you book and pay for your helicopter tour on the operator's website. It is an easy way to save money and that means you will have more cash left to spend on dining or buying souvenirs.

This author is a specialist in Grand Canyon excursions. If you are looking for amazing canyon helicopter tours at the cheapest rates, she suggests visiting here now: [](

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