Which Furnace Type Is Right for Your Home?


  • Author Laura Ginn
  • Published May 10, 2013
  • Word count 505

It’s always important to be aware of the specifics of the appliances and technology in your home in case they develop problems. If you know a little bit about your furnace, you can easily give a repairman information which will save time and money on maintenance and repair. This knowledge will also help you to pick out a new furnace for your home if you need one. After all, picking out a new furnace for your home can be very difficult to do if you do not understand anything about them.

Steam Furnaces

Steam furnaces, which are normally found in older homes, contain a boiler inside of the case and are usually found in the basement of a home. With this type of furnace, each room in the home needs to have a vented radiator if you want to heat the room. There is also a glass tube attached to the boiler that is filled with water. This tube will need to be refilled periodically.

Hot Water Furnaces

The next type of furnace is a hot water furnace. These are very similar to steam furnaces because they also have a boiler inside of them. Heat is then transferred through the water pipes in your home. Again, you will need radiators in each room that you wish to be heated, but they will not be vented. These furnaces are also typically found in the basement.

Forced Air Furnaces

The most common type of furnace found in homes is a forced air furnace. This type of furnace blows air through ductwork and air vents in the home. This type of furnace can be placed anywhere in the home as long as it is on the ground floor. The air conditioning unit, if there is one, is found outside of the home. If there is an air conditioner, this type of furnace is known as a split system because it has the ability to blow both hot and cold air. With forced air furnaces you have two different choices for combustion. The choice you make affects how efficient the furnace is with energy use, and hence the amount your bill is each month. Look for high efficiency furnaces, as these will use less energy and save you money on your electricity bill each month.

Knowing the different types of furnaces that are available can help you when it is time for you to purchase a new one. In addition to practical considerations such as the type of radiators you have in your home, you should consider initial costs and running costs. Most furnaces should last for around 15 to 25 years. If your furnace is this old it is very wise to start shopping for a new one. Of course, you may put off the purchase until your furnace goes out completely, but it doesn't hurt to start looking sooner. Remember, it is best to purchase a new furnace either in early spring or late winter when the prices are lower and you can find many models on sale.

Laura Ginn knows that when it comes to saving money on her heating bills that energy efficiency is the key, as well as getting the best price deal on her utility bills. Using uSwitch.com she can locate energy suppliers and find out who is offering the best price package appropriate to her needs.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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