Life Insurance - Whole Life or Term; Which Should You Get When You Are Young?


  • Author Laura Ginn
  • Published May 16, 2013
  • Word count 637

If you are a young person just starting out in life, life insurance may not be the most important thing on your mind. However, if you are planning on eventually raising a family, then life insurance will eventually become an important consideration. And, the best time to buy life insurance is while you are young. But, which type of life insurance is best? The answer to that question depends upon your current and future situations.

Life insurance comes in many flavors, and the numerous varieties can be confusing to the uninitiated. Fortunately, life insurance comes in 2 basic types: whole life and term life. When you understand these 2 basic types, then you will have an easier time understanding any of the variations.

The first basic type is whole-life. A whole-life policy does not have an end date. As long as you continue to pay your premiums, your life insurance will be in effect. Some whole-life policies may contain fine print that specifies a reduced payment after you reach a certain age. However, if you pay your premiums, then you can be confident your beneficiaries will be paid upon your death. Because a whole-life policy has no ending date, it is usually more expensive than other types of life insurance. Normally, the younger you are when you first buy whole-life, the cheaper the premiums for the life insurance. This is because insurance companies know that young people are more likely to make a lot of premium payments before they die. Consequently, the insurance companies can afford to charge a cheaper price.

Whole-life is good for a young person just starting out in life. As mentioned, if you buy a whole-life policy while you are young, your premiums will be cheaper. Consequently, you can get a lot of coverage for a minimal cost. If you decide to buy a whole-life policy, you should consider your future needs. If you plan on having a family, then you will want to get enough life insurance to take care of them if something happens to you. Since you may have a whole-life policy for decades, you should take inflation into consideration when deciding on the amount.

The second type of life insurance is term life. A term-life policy is for a specific period of time. For instance, you may buy a term-life policy for 20 or 25 years. Because a term-life policy has a specific ending date, it is normally cheaper than a whole-life policy. That’s because insurance companies can use their actuarial tables to determine the risk of you dying before the term-life policy ends.

Term-life policies are good if you have a specific purpose in mind. For instance, you may want to make sure your children are able to get a higher-education degree if something were to happen to you. Term life is a great life insurance policy for that purpose. You can buy a term-life insurance policy for 25 years. By the time your policy ends, your children will probably be out of school, and they will have started lives of their own. A term-life policy is also good for making sure your spouse can pay off the mortgage if something happened to you. Because term-life is relatively cheap, you can probably afford to get a larger amount of term-life insurance than you can get with whole-life insurance.

Death is not something most young people want to consider, but life insurance is really not about death. It is about insuring your loved ones continue to have a good life if something were to happen to you. Sooner or later, most people will buy some type of life insurance. Whether you buy whole life or term life, the younger you are when you buy life insurance, the better you will be financially. And, that will be good for both your family and you.

Laura Ginn knows that a life insurance policy is always a good thing to have no matter what your age. She also knows that in order to get the best deal on her cheap life insurance she should shop around and compare quotes before she decides on a policy to buy.

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