Strike Gold With The Cheapest Gas Suppliers


  • Author Laura Ginn
  • Published June 17, 2013
  • Word count 716

Leading gas suppliers send out new and attractive deals almost every week to meet growing demands for gas. If your goal is to get the best deal possible on gas, you may be quite disturbed when you come across a deal that’s better than your current one. Companies stay competitive by putting forward the type of packages consumers want. In order to find the cheapest gas supplier and find the best possible deal, it pays to wait even when you come across what seems to be an irresistible bargain. Compare the offers every six months to see if there are any reductions in the market prices.

British Gas, nPower, and E-on are trusted providers in the UK, and they’re household names because of their services and prices. Standard deals are top sellers because both new and existing customers can partake of discounts of up to £44 on their gas supply. Apart from that, customers are allowed to cancel their standard contracts without incurring a fee. The absence of fees means that you can switch your supplier as much as you want without the worry of discontinuation fees.

Since a gas supply is indispensable for all households, it is the first thing you’ll have to set up once you move to a new location. But locating the right supplier is easier said than done. To save hundreds annually and get a reliable gas supply delivered to your home, you’ll have to do your research, which includes an evaluation of several factors.

Depending on your location within the UK, you’ll have a choice of several suppliers. While competition paves the way for better prices, it also makes it difficult for consumers to choose. Comparison sites have taken the initiative to aid consumers by filtering the suppliers based on location, price and other factors. All you’ll have to provide is your area code, and you’ll get a listing of suppliers in your area arranged according to the best deals. Apart from delivering up to date information on gas deals, comparison sites provide the tools necessary for instant sign-up so you can start saving right away. Important: Select online account management and direct debit for payment and you’ll qualify for extra discounts with most suppliers.

In addition to comparison sites, leading gas companies in the UK have dedicated websites of their own. It pays to peruse these websites because there you’ll find full details of the providers’ terms of service. Get familiar with the terms before you sign a contract – especially a long term contract. You’ll also need to visit the site to set up your online account management and payment – thereby eliminating the need to mail payments or stand in long queues.

As much as finding a cheap gas supplier will help you get some measure of control on your budget, there are other things you can do to reduce your costs. Efficient use of your gas supply will help you to keep more money in your pocket. For instance, turning on the heat for a single person might be wasteful if it’s not that cold outdoors. Check your walls and attics to ensure that they’re properly insulated against the cold. This will keep the cold in out and the warm air in. Your gas furnace should be inspected before winter to ensure that it functions at the highest possible efficiency. These common sense tips are often taken for granted, but when implemented will add up to considerable savings on your gas bill.

Always review your contract before you attempt to cancel your service with your existing supplier. Some contracts require that you pay a discontinuation fee in order to cancel. If you must pay a fee, you may have to reconsider your decision to change suppliers. Calculate the savings and minus to exit fees to determine if it makes sense. Some suppliers waive the fee if you’re changing companies due to price increases, so your best course of action would be to speak with a customer service representative.

The aforementioned points remove some of the challenges of finding the right gas supplier. A small amount of effort to find a fantastic deal is all it takes for considerable savings and a rewarding experience with your provider.

Laura Ginn knows that when you put in the effort you can save money on the cost of your gas and electricity by finding the right supplier. When looking for the cheapest gas supplier you should use the price comparison website, uSwitch to find the best deal in your area.

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