Term Life Insurance Is The Most Affordable Policy That You Can Buy. There Are Many Kinds, Though


  • Author Laura Ginn
  • Published July 24, 2013
  • Word count 735

With most kinds of insurance, the insurance company keeps adding your premiums up to a fund in your name. If you happen to pass away before the insurance policy runs out, you get paid the full amount. If the insurance policy’s maturity date comes and goes uneventfully, you get to claim all the premiums that you’ve paid along with interest. Insurance policies of this kind tend to be somewhat expensive.

If you wish to simply protect your family well as affordably as possible without worrying about whether you can get your premiums back when the term of your insurance runs out, you can simply choose term insurance. On a term policy, the inexpensive premium that you pay only guarantees you a payout if you die during the period of time the insurance lasts. If you are lucky enough to live past then, getting to live is your prize – you don’t get any money.

Some insurance companies make a humane exception. If you are diagnosed with a serious life-threatening illness during the period of your coverage, they pay out half of the sum assured.

With any kind of life insurance, term insurance included, the company only pays out if you take your policy out a year before you pass away.

There Are Different Types Of Term Insurance

There are three basic kinds of term insurance.

The first kind is a level term insurance. This kind of policy assures you a level or fixed sum of money whether the person insured dies one year after the policy is taken out or 10 years later.

An increasing term insurance policy is designed so that the payout assured rises by 5% for each year that the insured person lives – it’s like a bonus for managing to stay alive. Usually, they keep adding on 5% each year until you reach a preset age – usually 65 or 70. Since they keep raising your cover, these policies charge a slightly expensive premium.

Many banks offer life insurance as an add-on alongside of home mortgages. These policies are usually designed to mimic the home mortgages that they are a part of – the payout decreases in proportion to the decreasing size of the home mortgage each year. While these are inexpensive life insurance policies, they don’t offer much value.

There Are Many Other Variations On This Theme

The life insurance options above are designed to give the family of the insured person a lump sum payout if he happens to die within the policy’s period of coverage. Some people, though, find that a huge lump sum is not likely to be as useful as an income replacement plan – where the life insurance company pays the family a preset sum of money each month to replace the family income that’s lost. These are called family income benefit policies. A family that doesn’t have the expertise needed to invest a large sum of money wisely could find it a comfort to have an insurance company do it for them.

The monthly income payouts promised in these policies only go out as long as the policies are valid. If a person dies one year before his policy is set to close, his family will only receive a year’s worth of payments.

A Few Tips On How To Buy Affordable Term Life


To find the most affordable quotes on your term life insurance policy, you should head to a knowledgeable agent. If you do know that a term policy is what you need, you don’t need a full service broker who can give you knowledgeable advice. Instead, you can simply go with an affordable execution-only broker whose job is to do a little research on your behalf to find the cheapest policy available.

Since an insurance purchase lasts a lifetime, you need to take your time and ask the right questions.

• How well rated for performance and financial strength is the term insurance company selling you the policy?

• Does the policy allow conversion to a permanent policy?

• If you are unhappy with the insurance plan’s terms once you buy it, do you have to stick with it for five years, or can you ask for a smaller period?

Finally, if you are in good health, the best way to get a competitive rate is to ask for a medical exam. The results of your exam can only make your insurance cheaper.

Laura Ginn knows that term life insurance is not the right kind of policy for everyone. However, there are benefits to be gained from level term life insurance. Compare insurance prices with uSwitch and find the right policy for you.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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