Detox Diet: Purification For Good Health

Health & Fitness

  • Author Josef Bichler
  • Published September 12, 2015
  • Word count 668

Among all the wonderful aspects of the control we can exercise over our bodies, also lies our ability to cleanse it inside out. Detoxification simply means ridding our system, which includes our bloodstream, kidneys, liver and intestines, of accumulated toxins. Detox diets therefore are an assured and clinically researched method of giving our body the much needed cleansing, through a focus on eating the right kind of foods. Irritants in the body accumulate over time due to wrong dietary choices that lead to inflammation and congestion in certain organs of our body, disturbing their optimum performance and we face its consequences over time visible in the rising medical bills.

How do you know you need to go on a detox diet?

You come across numerous health related 'fads' that you brush aside saying they're simply that - only fads, little realizing your body's signals you need to watch out for:

  • You need to go on a detox diet if your intake of caffeine is excessive

  • Detox is highly recommended for those who smoke and drink in excess often called over-sedation

  • Go for it if your sugar craving is high

  • Over-dependence on processed foods that have food additives, food flavoring and preservatives need to be balanced with a healthier detox diet plan

  • You could most definitely consider it in case you have lately been feeling less energized and below par

  • If you have headache, fatigue, sickness, or even recurring skin problems

What should you expect in your detox diet plan?

When on a detox diet, expect a rigorous diet restriction and plan for it mentally. Ranging between short spells of two to three days or up to even a fortnight, a detox diet plan varies according to the level of preparedness and physical aptitude which must be analyzed with some amount of medical input. Monotrophic diets allow a single kind of food but most detox diet plans usually begin with liquids for three days followed up with a diet comprising of a restricted number and quantities of food.

Detoxification being an integrated approach to cleansing requires body cleansing through herbal oil massages, baths, saunas and even intake of laxatives to aid the purification process. Going clean, green and definitely lean, is what your food choices are meant to be.

Eating raw unprocessed and freshly prepared food, going organic and low on red meats, eating lesser fats and dairy and low on sugar, is a 'natural' prerequisite for a detox diet plan. Increasing your intake of nuts, whole grains, natural sweeteners, fruits, vegetables and unprocessed oils, is recommended. A detox plan is systematically laid out to ensure the body's switch to a healthier well-balanced meal plan that is proceeded by adequate research.

Detox plan results!

Well, you have just given yourself a 'new lease of life.' By taking a great amount of toxic wastes from your body that gets flushed out during the period, you would be aiding your body's natural detoxification processes to reach their optimum capacity. What it does is visible in a few days. You sleep better, your allergies are lesser, compliments pour in for your glowing skin, fatigue and tiredness simply vanish and you feel truly rejuvenated.

Detox diet is not merely about losing weight but regaining a certain confidence in your body's ability to focus on health. Weight loss simply is a natural corollary. The purification process through detox diet ensures that you revive all bodily organs to their optimum functionality without burdening them or creating waste within.

What is a firm belief in the medical community after years of careful analysis is that the general health of a person has a great deal to do with genetics, ability to handle stress, lifestyle and incontrovertibly attitude towards health. More often than not you are caught up in 'disease care' and show little interest in the prevention of the same. A detox diet does that. It is a more holistic and integrated approach to a better and healthier body.

My name is Josef Bichler. I have a passion for wellness and showing others how to live healthy lives. I have corrected my own health problems with the use of alternatives only and helping others to achieve their health objectives through lifestyle changes, detoxifying their body and through understanding the benefits of eating healthy. For more ongoing health information subscribe to my free weekly newsletter at

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