Cost Of Assisted Living in your State

FamilyElderly Care

  • Author Jeff Holbrook
  • Published September 1, 2016
  • Word count 465

Age Induced Medication Mistakes(AIMM’s) send senior to Assisted Living

Age Induced Medication Mistakes, or AIMM’s effects 90% of seniors. AIMM’s will lead to things like "forgetting to take out the trash" or "forgetting where you left your car keys" Mom These are minor inconveniences and will not change the Elderly's quality of life.

Forgetting to take their medication, or the flip side, taking to mush medication leads to shocking problems Imagine this, "Two Fully Loaded Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet crashing every day. This is the amount of deadly fatalities for medication errors in the US. A full 25% of Assisted Living Home and Nursing home admits are directly related to the Seniors' inability to take their medication properly.

The costs of Assisted living have risen over 600% in the last twenty years. Wages have not even com close to keeping up with the rise. Many families don't plan for this inevitable time. When the see the costs for the fort time, they are crushed. Simply put, many people can't afford to spend the extra 10's of thousands of dollars a year to care for their parents.

There are Four types of paid care. The more involved the care, the higher the cost.

Nursing HomeHome CareAssisted Living*Daily Care

The costs are broken out as follows:

, Nursing Home Daily Cost-$220/Yearly $80,000

, Home Care Daily Cost-$125/Yearly $46,000

, Assisted Living Cost-Daily Cost-$120/Yearly $43,000

, Home Care Daily Cost-$90/Yearly Cost$33,000

As the aging process continues, you will have to start thinking abbot getting caregiver in home help or moving your loved one into an assisted living. This is a time to take extraordinary car. If you think seniors #1 fear is death, you would be wrong. Seniors #1 FEAR is moving out of their home. It forces them to deal with the reality of their own mortality.

More Daily care is needed? But what about the costs? What are the"Pros and Cons" of each choice? Is there Government assistance? The list goes on and one.

MedQ Smart Pill Box has complied a State by State Break out of each type of care. We have also included the ranges of the process in each option. It is important to note that these are averages and will differ on an individual basis.

  • State By State Average

· Alabama $3,075

· Alaska $5,703

· Arizona $3,418

· Arkansas $3,063

· California $3,750

· Colorado $3,750

· Connecticut$5,575

· Delaware $5,745

· Florida $3,150

· Georgia $2,880

· Hawaii $4,000

· Idaho $3,240

· Illinois $4,050

· Indiana $3,693

· Iowa $3,500

· Kansas $4,188

· Kentucky $2,181

· Louisiana $3,010

· Maine $4,800

· Maryland $3,900

· MA $5,300

· Michigan $3,250

· Minnesota $3,468

· Mississippi$3,150

· Missouri $2,525

· Montana $3,560

· Nebraska $3,628

· Nevada $3,238

· NH $5,103

· New Jersey $5,725

· New Mexico $3,500

· New York $4,100

· NC $3,000

· N Dakota $3,239

· Ohio $3,890

· Oklahoma $3,345

· Oregon $3,880

· P A $3,555

· RI $5,325

· SC $3,125

· SD $3,023

· Tennessee $3,395

· Texas $3,545

· Utah $3,000

· Vermont $4,020

· Virginia $3,933

· Washington $4,625

· WV $3,500

· Wisconsin $1,740

· Wyoming $3,900

It is very important that you start looking at options now. Don't wait until you are in crisis mode. Your loved ones deserve financial happiness in their Golden years.

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