What Benefits does Access Control Offer Business Owners?


  • Author Chelsey Bullock
  • Published July 18, 2017
  • Word count 414

Businesses of all sizes can quickly benefit from the protection and security of access control. Access control has innovative features that can keep business owners safe from theft and fraud.

How does access control work?

Access control systems do exactly what it says; it controls who enters or gains access to the building or individual rooms in the office. It does this by installing a computer-based, electronic card access control system. The employer will decide who will get an "access card" to the building or other rooms that are secured. The purpose of an access control system is to provide employers a fast, convenient, and safe alternative to a standard key lock.

What are the essential components of an access control system?

Like mentioned above, we discussed how an access control system reads "access cards" to unlock certain doors, what I failed to mention is that there is another form of an access control system. The other type is access control keypads. The access control keypads are devices which may be used in addition to or in place of card readers. Employers can give the "number code" to individual employees to enter on a keypad (similar to the keys on a touch-tone telephone).

What benefits does it offer for business owners?

● Never lose a key: It's a scary thought to think of an employee losing a key or never giving the key back after termination, especially if the employee left on bad terms. It can be an expensive process for the company to replace all locks and provide new keys to everyone in the office. Access control systems can quickly change codes and deactivate access cards.

● A customizable system: You can give out more codes depending on your needs, which do not need to match. You can also customize the times you want the doors to stay permanently locked.

● Remote access control: The remote access control is ideal for business owners that are usually away from the office. It will allow you to control the access while away. You can easily and quickly lock down your business in case of an emergency and also record who is entering and leaving.

● Restrictions: If you only have certain employees that should gain access at certain times of the day, it is possible to set up a time where their code will only work. All other times during the day will be denied. This is ideal for cleaners to enter the office before or after working hours.

If you are looking to install an Access Control System in Salt Lake City 3c Business Solutions can help. They have been providing business security systems in Utah for over 20 years.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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