Spraying Your Utah Lawn for Bugs and Weeds


  • Author Jericho Pineda
  • Published August 28, 2017
  • Word count 420

There’s more to maintaining a lush green lawn than water and sunlight. The grass in your yard is part of an ecosystem that consists of numerous types of plant and animal life. Like anything else in an ecosystem, grass has to compete for resources. When weeds begin to pop up, they force grasses out of their place. Weeds also pull nutrients from the soil which limits the amount that the grass is getting. Of course, in addition to killing your lawn, weeds are unsightly and unattractive. Controlling weeds then becomes an important part of keeping a healthy lawn.

Having your lawn treated for weeds by a professional service is an ideal way to take care of your lawn. Spraying a yard for weeds requires knowing which chemicals to use, how much, and when to apply them; this can get confusing. If under or over treated or treated to soon or late, chemical sprays will be ineffective at killing weeds. Hiring an expert saves you the hassle of figuring out chemicals as well as the time it takes to apply them. Once treated, the weeds in your yard will begin to die off allowing your grass to grow without competition. Weeds might not be the only thing preventing you from having a healthy lawn.

At the same time that weeds start to appear, bugs and pests may also creep into your yard. A large variety of harmful insects and larvae live underground and feed on the leaves and roots of grasses. The damage caused by pests becomes evident when brown and yellow patches begin to appear in your lawn. Affected grass may also start to thin out or pull up easily from the soil below. If you’re properly caring for your lawn with watering and fertilizer and still have brown spots, pests may be the cause.

Hiring a lawn care service to spray your yard will effectively treat pests. Just like with weeds, there are different chemicals used in pest control. A lawn care professional should be able to correctly identify the type of pest you’re dealing with and the kinds of treatments to get rid of them.

Healthy lawns beautify homes and neighborhoods in addition to benefitting the environment. Keeping the grass green in your yard is hard when noxious weeds and harmful pests invade. Thankfully, help is available for dealing with unwanted weeds and insects. Show your lawn the care it needs, sprays it for weeds and pests and keep the grass growing lush and green.

Ferta-Lawn provides Lawn Care services in Bountiful including spraying Utah Lawns for bugs & weeds

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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Article comments

Levi Armstrong
Levi Armstrong · 4 years ago
Thanks for informing me that it's important that I call an expert in spraying our lawn because the chemicals used are too complicated for homeowners to figure it out themselves. l have been planning to spray our lawn ever since my wife complained about weeds in our front lawn. Perhaps it would be wise to call a lawn spraying service instead of doing it myself to ensure that the weeds would be taken care of efficiently. Thanks again! http://www.sanjuanpestcontrol.com/lawn_spraying.html