How the Internet of Things Is Increasing the Need for Technology to Be Waterproof

Computers & Technology

  • Author Chelsey Bullock
  • Published October 18, 2017
  • Word count 440

First off, let's touch base with what the "Internet of Things" is defined as. The Internet of Things (IoT) is the evolution of everyday items being programmed into communicative data. So, in broad terms, the Internet of Things encompasses everything that connects to the internet.

Details about the Internet of Things: In a deeper understanding the Internet of Things is is made up of devices that communicate together by sharing data, such as, smartphones, sensors, etc. All of which these devices are expanded by Wi-Fi capabilities. The Internet of Things is also any device that can be "turn off or on" to connect to the internet like coffee makers, weight scales, watches, etc. The uses of the Internet of Things will keep increasing as technology increases. According to Forbes by 2020, there will be over 26 billion connected devices.

How does this impact society: This will affect everybody in the society, because everything will be changing. Say you want to buy a new car, all new cars will now be connected to the internet in more than one way. If you are not on board with the evolution of technology, then you will be left behind and trying to live in a world that is not compatible with your objects or way of living. Just by the push of a button on your phone, you will be able to start brewing your coffee while opening the windows in your kitchen nook, before you even get out of bed. The reality is that the Internet of Things will virtually be everywhere amongst every device.

Uses of the Internet of Things: So, besides just the benefits of brewing your coffee in bed, the Internet of Things also offers a wide range of benefits for individuals like remote work, inventory tracking, management, productivity, etc.

Why Technology needs to be Waterproof: Like mentioned above, the Internet of Things is all devices that are connected to the internet. Those devices can consist of anything from wearable articles of clothing to alarm clocks. Because the need of devices to be connected to the internet is so important to consumers, it's best to increase the devices with protection like waterproof. You would not want to have a "smartwatch that is not capable of getting wet. The whole point of the Internet of Things is speed and accessibility of devices, so having a device that is not waterproof will only contradict the whole point of the Internet of Things. No matter what, the changes of technology and devices are coming, and they are coming in hot. Make sure you are ready for that change with waterproofing made easy by HZO.

As a manufacturer of electronics, you know the importance of making your devices waterproof. HZO is on the cutting edge of waterproofing and can help provide ipx6 coatings for electronics. They also provide conformal & PCB coatings.

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