Dermatologists Tell All: What Their Secrets Are and How They Can Help Your Skin

Health & FitnessBeauty

  • Author Arissa Dimond
  • Published October 19, 2017
  • Word count 435

There isn’t one person out there who hasn’t dealt with his or her own fair share of skin problems. From acne to wrinkles, there’s always something. Dermatologists are licensed practitioners who treat skin issues and complications. With this knowledge, dermatologists know a thing or two about caring for skin. Learn some of the insider tricks to healthy skin and how a dermatologist can help.

  1. Have downtime? Consider doing a skin treatment

Whether a lunch break or stuck in rush hour traffic, caring for the skin can be done in a matter of minutes. Dermatologists recommend taking care of the skin whenever possible. Consider using a serum, an eye mask, teeth whitening strips, a quick face mask, or eyebrow gel when there are a few minutes to spare.

  1. Fight wrinkles with a massage

Through the years, when the face frowns or scrunches, it tends to create crow’s feet and frown lines. Consider this helpful tip from dermatologists: Before bed, practice facial acupressure for a few minutes. To do this, simply press above the inner eyebrow, temples, and next to the nostrils, holding for 10 seconds each.

  1. Stay hydrated and check your diet

There’s nothing better for the skin than keeping it hydrated, both inside out and outside in. It’s not enough to simply stay hydrated for long-lasting skin. It is now vital to hydrate skin from the outside in with serums, creams, and hydrating mists. On the other hand, food plays a huge role on the skin. It’s important to fuel the body with foods that are high in omega 3’s and fatty acids like avocados and salmon. Avoid starchy vegetables and refined carbohydrates like white bread and rice, that can be harmful to the skin. Eating healthy fats can leave the skin looking healthier and give it a natural glow, products can’t even give.

  1. Sunscreen is essential

Sunscreen plays a vital role in the health of the skin. Not only is a major player in the prevention of skin cancer, but also helps keep skin healthier. UVA sun rays can come through even the smallest of places, such as a plane window. Consider applying an SPF 50 sunscreen to the neck, chest, and hands before the face. These areas tend to age faster and are harder to improve than the face.

A dermatologist, many of which are found in the state of Utah, can help patients with a variety of skin treatments. From acne scars, wrinkled skin and skin cancer, a specialized dermatologist can help treat and prevent skin issues in the future with individualized treatment plans and resources.

If you are looking for a great dermatologist in Bountiful, then Bahr dermatology may be perfect for you. They have been providing Botox injections in Bountiful for years.

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