Camping Is Good for Your Brain

Health & Fitness

  • Author Sherri Burris
  • Published October 13, 2018
  • Word count 512

Do we ever stop and think about the importance of nature and human life? Probable not, but we should. As we spend more than half our days on a computer or other electronic devices we need to be aware that this time is making our brains tired and lifeless. We need to be spending more time outdoors breathing good fresh air.

The front part of the brain-the prefrontal cortex- has a lot of pressure on it when looking at Facebook, answering emails and listening to music. This area of the brain is used for our critical thinking, decision making and reasoning skills. So we need to give our brain a rest from technology and being in nature helps refresh the brain.

Camping can be just what the doctor ordered. Many of us love the outdoors and nature and these things can help. So why not take time off and escape to nature for several days. Time in the great outdoors and a camping trip may be just what a tech-tired brain needs.

Some people say that being in the outdoors makes them feel at ease and can help prepare them for tasks at hand. Camping can make your refreshed for work. It’s less busy than your regular day-to-day lifestyle. It allows you to get in touch with nature and can be very relaxing and put you in a better state of mind.

Other call camping regenerating their life with a new energy that can get then through the next week. Maybe you will find it brings a measure of peace that comes with the quiet and often the solitude of being in nature. I’m sure scientists agree these feeling are good for your brain to relax.

Some say that short term time away from technology does calm the brain, but longer amounts of time in nature does the most good. At least 4 days is needed to fully reset and relax your brain. It can also improve productivity in life, lower your stress and make us feel better.

Camping is the key. It allows us to immerse ourselves in nature that surrounds us. It can teach self satisfaction and how to handle different situations and can increase your confidence in your abilities. These are the things that we take for granted, but camping can truly help.

Camping can expose the brain to nature and nature is a great teacher. Learning about environment in nature and about animal is a hand-on experience when camping. It’s much more beneficial than the classroom setting. You learn about weather, care of you physical self, surrounding that can benefit your daily life. Camping can be challenging at first, but it can teach you how to deal with certain situations in life.

So, taking a bike ride in the park, walking along the ocean or in the woods,is wonderful of course, but camping requires you to immerse yourself more deeply in nature to reset and relax your brain. Your greatest reward is your health! Get out and go camping. It is good for your brain.

Sherri Burris is a person who loves to camp and has been camping her entire life. She loves spending time in the outdoors and being in nature. Her favorite place to camp with her truck bed tent is at a lake. Check out the many ways to camp at their website

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