The Most Effective Method To Choose A Good Project Topic

Reference & EducationCollege & University

  • Author Etido James
  • Published February 18, 2019
  • Word count 779


The instructive educational programs express that the end goal is to be granted a degree after the graduation. Before this, there is a need for scholars to carry out research in their field of studies. Thusly, this is done at the final year level in all college or university organizations. A considerable measure of final year students have challenges in regards to picking or choosing their research project topics. This is because they lack knowledge on the rudiments of picking a decent research project topic with the end goal, such that most students score terrible scores at the end of it or even have to change the research topic halfway through. This article is therefore targeted at helping final year students to know the basics in regards to picking or choosing their final year project topics.


In other to force order on the choice procedure and make the procedure less frustrating, we recommend the accompanying method for the determination of the research project works:

  1. Decide on a useful zone or zones of essential interest, for example, accounting, banking and finance, business administration, computer science, marketing, mass communication et cetera.

  2. Next, pick a sub-region from the practical territory. For example, a student who has an interest in human resources may pick a research topic on the hospital working environment or organizational behavior

  3. Look for the possible research topic in that sub-region.

  4. Familiarize yourself with the subject matter relating to the proposed project topic idea.

  5. Evaluate any provisional topic you pick precisely and fundamentally. A student ought to have not less than three speculative topics in. He ought to pick the topic which is most alluring to him or her among alternate topics having analyzed the upsides and downsides of every one of the case study.

  6. Finally, present the chosen topics to the supervisor for facilitating discourse, clarifications, and elaborations if it requires.


It is plainly making no sense to embark on a case study you know almost nothing or nothing about. Though, it can obviously be contended that the student can acquaint himself with the project topic idea over the span of the investigation or study. But there are somewhere around two issues with this: firstly, he might not be able to defend it before the supervisor. Secondly, he may discover later that the research topic is more troublesome than foreseen or that the required research project materials are not accessible. He could even lose interest in the research work because of any of these unexpected challenges. The accompanying criteria should along these lines be borne in the mind of the students:


Numerous students have amidst their research, surrendered or abandon their research project topic for another one since they didn't have enough managing interest for it, in the first instance. For a few, they may have chosen it since it was proposed by the supervisor or some different people they couldn't state too. They may have felt that dismissing the project topic at that point would have added up to being ungrateful on their part which could be viewed as an affront to the supervisor. whichever way it is perilous to take a research title you are not so much inspired by in light of the fact that when it gets extreme, your interest for the research title is the thing that will support you more than some other thing.


What makes a research topic re-searchable is the point at which you can research solid information to answer the research questions. A project work that is re-searchable can be known to utilize available and scientific tools and techniques. Likewise, a research work might be in-researchable not on the grounds that the pertinent information doesn't exist, but rather in light of the fact that the student doesn't approach them.


The possibility of the final year project alludes to what it will take the student to finish the research topic as far as the expense of the final year project, the monetary use, and the time allotment for the final year research. Thusly, it is vital that the student from the beginning, gauge that he has everything necessary to finish the research project regarding fund and research materials, and furthermore that he will have the capacity to finish the final year research inside the time period allotted for it. In the event that the response to this is negative, at that point he should forsake the project topic before setting out on it.

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