5 Reasons Why You Should Buy A Public Speaking Book For Your Teenage Child

Reference & EducationWriting & Speaking

  • Author Yaw Boakye-Yiadom
  • Published April 16, 2019
  • Word count 675

Whenever people gather for any event, or to pursue any course of action, speeches or talks must be given in order to achieve anything, but sadly many people feel uneasy speaking before even the smallest audience, or aren't able to drive home their point when asked to speak. This can be a big problem, especially for job seekers, and so to ensure that your teenage children get the art of public speaking right, buy them a public speaking book. What can a public speaking book do for your children?

Overcome Stage Fright

According to a survey, more people are afraid of public speaking than they are of dying. We call it stage fright. When asked to speak, some people suddenly feel butterflies in their stomach, sweat all over, stutter, or even fall while walking to the podium. Some feel so conscious of the audience's reaction that they are unable to concentrate.

It is important that your teenage children learn how to counter anxiety early, because this can be an impediment, at school, or in getting the right job in future. A good public speaking book will teach your kids how to counter this kind of anxiety, imbuing them with skills which they will find priceless later in life.

Contrary to what some people believe, good public speakers don't use drugs like cocaine in order to over come stage fright. You can overcome stage fright by following the steps outlined in a good public speaking book.

Build Confidence

You should buy a public speaking book for your kids in order to build their confidence. The more speeches your kids give, the more confident they will become, and when teenagers are confident, they feel more comfortable pursuing their ambitions. A good public speaking book will teach your kids how to gain confidence, enhancing their public speaking skills by teaching them to speak frequently as well as how and where to begin, starting from a small audience, and then increasing the audience size little by little.

Captivate the Audience

It is not uncommon to find many people in the audience sleeping, or yawning, while a talk is being given, but there is a solution. Speeches carefully prepared with effective language will dazzle and hold the audience spell bound, with many of the listeners leaning forward and smiling, listening with rapt attention. A good public speaking book will teach your kids how to do just that. Should your kids follow the advice in these books, they would also be greeted with a standing ovation, whenever they give speeches, just like politicians and pastors.

Influence People By Mere Words

Having the confidence to speak before an audience is not enough to convince and influence them. When asked to speak before an audience, you may confidently speak to the audience, but will end up achieving nothing, because your speech was not well prepared, or your choice of words inappropriate for the audience.

Before giving a speech, you must analyze your audience, beginning with an introduction that will make them relaxed, and then continuing with carefully selected words which would prove persuasive in the long run. Such a skill does not come on a silver plata, but can be acquired through practice and preparation. A good public speaking book will help your kids learn just that.

Impromptu Speeches

There are times when people are called to speak extemporaneously. In fact, many professions require such skills. When not done right it can lead to confusion, and so it is important that kids learn what to do in such situations. With practice, your teenagers should be able to come up with good introductory and concluding statements on the fly, whenever called upon to give impromptu speeches. These are priceless skills. Giving you kids a good public speaking book will help them develop these skills.

There is no better time to teach your kids good public speaking skills than in their formative years. Help build the confidence of your kids, and help them succeed in future by purchasing a good public speaking book for them.

To purchase a good public speaking guide, Click here .

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Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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