How To Reverse The Effects of Ageing

Health & Fitness → Beauty

  • Author Yaw Boakye-Yiadom
  • Published April 12, 2019
  • Word count 646

If you are one of the many out there who have suddenly realized that you appear much older than you really are, and have been looking for a solution, then you couldn't have come across a better article than this one. The human body is not perfect, and so with advancing age, the capacity of the various systems to replace worn out cells and remove toxins diminishes, but with the right tips, you can help the body function a bit more efficiently, almost as close to a teenager's for many more years.

You will be surprised to learn though that not all organs in the human body need to replace cells, because some organs, like the muscles of the human heart, don't replace cells, but the cells merely increase in size. Even with such organs, these tips will help them sustain their vitality.

Nutrition and Exercise

The foods we eat provide the cells with the necessary nutrients, but not all of them are helpful. While some help the body, making it look much younger, others accelerate the ageing process. For example, many fried foods, contain anti-glycation end products as well as bad fats, in addition to other free radicals, that accelerate the ageing process, and so if we really want to look younger, we need to get our diet right. Never reuse cooking oil more than once.

Each day, consume 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, three servings of whole grains, 5 to 8 ounces of water, and obtain less than 40 percent of your daily calories from fats. If you can, do perform moderate exercise each day. Using a treadmill each day can be helpful.

Take the right drugs

Although eating the right diet goes a long way to increase the anti-ageing effects, food alone isn't enough, and so you would have to take the right supplements. A group of drugs, known as anti-oxidants, destroy free radicals, helping the cells of your body to live much longer. Daily supplements of 200 to 240 milligrams of vitamin C, 100 to 400 international units (IU) of vitamin E, and a mixed carotenoid supplement of 6 to 10 milligrams can help slow the ageing process significantly. In menopausal women, hormone replacement therapy can reduce the ageing process significantly, strengthening bones and reducing the chances of a fracture occurring because of brittle bones.

Take care of wrinkles

It has often been said that one way to guess a man or woman's age is to look at the skin. Many people, however, want to look good and young, and therefore find the skin wrinkles that occur with ageing undesirable. If you are one of them, then I want you to know that you can remove the skin wrinkles without spending too much money. Free radicals, which was mentioned earlier, increase skin wrinkles. To reduce the wrinkles on your skin so you can look as good as a movie star, follow the dietary advice provided earlier, taking antioxidant supplements like vitamins A and E. Besides free radicals, the greatest contributor to skin wrinkles is chronic exposure to sunlight, and so in order to reduce wrinkles, minimize exposure of your skin to sunlight, and whenever possible apply a solar cream to your skin. Using skin creams, or wrinkle creams fortified with vitamin C will do wonders for you


Getting enough sleep each day will help maintain the vitality of your body. Research has shown that getting about 6 to 8 hours of sleep each day will help keep your heart strong, reducing the risk of a heart attack or stroke. Sleep is also good for your emotional state. In addition to this, recent evidence suggests that viral diseases are prevalent among people who sleep less.

You don't have to spend a fortune just to look young. With the tips listed above, the ageing process should slow down drastically, and if you do it well, you will look 10 to 15 years younger than your age.

For more anti-ageing and wrinkle removal tips Click here.

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