Top Reasons to Anti Slip Your Floors


  • Author Ray Stobbart
  • Published June 5, 2019
  • Word count 643

Shiny floors can be extremely appealing to the eyes, but they are one of the main reasons for floor accidents. Experiencing a floor accident is embarrassing, as well as, dangerous as one can end up with broken legs or arms. Moreover, floor accidents lead to expensive lawsuits against businesses or commercial spaces and building. Unless you want to be at the receiving end and be dragged to court because your customers, clients or the public met with an accident in your office premise or building, you would want to take necessary actions to safeguard yourself against such accidents. There are several ways by which you can anti slip your floors and one of the best ways is by using a non slip floor coating. You just have to make sure that the product used is of high quality and applied by a professional. Below given are some of the reasons why you need to anti slip your floors.

Reduce falls and slips

In the UK, businesses pay millions of pounds each year in medical expenses related to liability for falls and slips. By using non slip coating, you can make your floors slip resistant and minimise the risks of slip and fall accidents. This will save you from being dragged to court by your employees, customers, clients or the public.

The non slip floor coatings are suitable for all work areas. Irrespective of whether it is your office, building entrance, stairs or factory floor, non slip coatings provide the perfect solution for any type of floor. People coming to meet you or those who work in your office will be able to walk freely without the fear of suddenly losing their balance and falling down.

Maintains the hygiene and health of a space

Thanks to non slip coating, floor surfaces become slip resistant and also resistant to stain. This makes the surface of the floor more hygienic than what it was before. In case something falls on the floor and the surface gets dirty, it can be simply wiped off as the surface has become non-sticky and non-absorbing. This ensures that the atmosphere inside of your office or commercial building is hygienic and healthy.

Boosts the productivity of the workers and the staff

It is difficult to work in an office or a company where one has to constantly watch his/her step. When one is always afraid of falling down and that thought is continuously going on in the mind, it can be a real challenge to finish the task at hand. For employees or the staff to be able to complete their work productively, it is crucial that their mind is free from such thoughts. Knowing that they can walk about freely will help enhance their productivity, which will eventually positively impact your bottom line.

So, is your floor surface slippery? To find out for sure, you can conduct a pendulum friction test. This is the only test that is recognised by the UK courts. This test is specifically designed to test the slip resistance of the floor surface and the reading provided by this test is referred to as PTV. If the PTV is more than 36, your floor surface will be deemed safe. Anything less than 36 will be a risk for everyone coming and going out of your business area or office. After the test has proved that your floor surface is unsafe, you can contact a professional provider of anti slip floor treatments and opt for quality non slip coatings. You can be assured of coatings for your particular type of floor surface.

When you have anti slip floors, your employees, customers and clients will enjoy going back and forth in your place as there is no fear of falling down and hurting themselves. Also, this will protect you from shelling out millions of pounds trying to win lawsuits.

4Earth Solutions provide a comprehensive range of anti slip products in the UK including non slip floor coating solutions. By making use of premium floor treatments and coatings, the company is able to anti slip floors from bamboo to natural stone, vinyl to concrete and everything in between.

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