How Can You Deal with Slippery Tiles?

HomeHome Improvement

  • Author Ray Stobbart
  • Published July 23, 2019
  • Word count 654

Tile is a wonderful flooring option for commercial and residential spaces due to its durability and aesthetic appearance. It is also a great flooring choice for areas that are prone to moisture like, bathrooms. As tiles are impermeable, a lot of people use them in areas that have a lot of moisture. Tiles do not absorb moisture, and therefore, tiles are essentials in those rooms or spaces that are likely to see water.

However, the downside to tile’s being impermeable is that a lot of water or liquid is left sitting on top. If you fail to clean it up right away, it can lead to making the floor surface slippery. This increases the risk of slipping and falling on tile surfaces. Fortunately, there are various anti slip treatment for tiles that you can implement to make sure that your tiles are safe to be walked on. Slippery tiles not only cause serious accidents, but it can even amount of lawsuits, especially in workplaces and commercial spaces.

Below given are some of the ways that can help you deal with slippery tiles.

 Avoid getting your tiles dirty: The best way to prevent your tiled floor from turning slippery is by preventing your tiles from getting dirty. But, this is easier said than done. How can you avoid getting your tiles dirty? Yes, you can place a mat at the entrance of the door so that people leave their shoes outside and enter the room. But, spills and such accidents happen, and there is no surefire way to avoid such things from happening. You could also choose to cover your tiled floor surface with a carpet so that the tiles do not become slippery.

 Regularly clean your tile floors: Regular cleaning of tile floors is essential if you want to prevent them from becoming slippery. You must dust and mop the surface carefully so that all stains and dust are removed. Also, you need to periodically schedule deep cleaning of tile floor. This is because tiles have grout lines where often the food or drinks that you might have spilt gets stuck. It is very difficult to clean the grout lines unless you have the right equipment for the task. Deep cleaning ensures that your tile floors are as good as new. For proper deep cleaning, you can reach out to professionals who have the right expertise, experience and tools.

 Non-slip coating: If your tile floors are extremely slippery, applying non-slip coating might be an ideal option. However, before applying an anti-slip coating, it is crucial that you thoroughly clean the surface. If the surface is not cleaned properly, the non-slip coating will not give you the results that you desire. There are several anti-slip coatings available and you can find out which is the best for your tile floor by reaching out to professional providers of anti slip tile treatment.

How will you know that your tiles are slippery?

One way to know if your tile floors are slippery is to wait for someone to fall. But, this can lead to causing grave injury and if it happens in your office or company, you will be dragged to court. Unless you want to pay compensation or see a near and dear one hurt, it is important that you maintain a routine for checking the slipperiness of your tile floors. The best way to find out if your tile floors are slippery is by getting a slip resistance test done. In the UK, the pendulum slip resistance test is the most popular and recognised by the courts. You can get in touch with professionals conducting slip resistance tests. This is a portable test and it can be done on-site or in the lab of the professional company.

So, if you have tile floors and it has been a long time that you have cleaned or checked its slipperiness, make sure to contact the professionals.

4Earth Solutions specialise in anti slip treatment for tiles and other types of floor surfaces. The company makes use of environment-friendly products. They have a specialised team of professionals expert in carrying out slip resistance tests like, the pendulum test

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