Choosing The Right Office Chairs


  • Author Kent Chee
  • Published September 4, 2019
  • Word count 672

An ergonomic research once showed that having a supportive office chair contributes effectively to the output productivity. This is possible by the supportive chair typically maximizing the efficiency of the person sitting on it. This is to say, a bad office chair lowers your rate of working which translates to low output. Therefore, you need to choose the right chair that gives you the absolute comfort for working making you increase the rate of output. This is crucial for both the office place and home office. On the other hand, having a bad office chair invites more problems to your health such as back strain, carpal tunnel, and leg problems. These problems can lead an employee missing work due to visiting a medical practitioner for medical check-up and treatment making the productivity to spiral downwards. Consequently, it is better to use money on a good office chair that is long term offering more benefits to you and your employers rather than purchasing a bad chair that will lead to absenteeism at work. Therefore, below is a description of what to consider when you want to purchase a good office chair.


The following are concepts to consider when you want to purchase a good office chair:

  1. The design (ergonomics) of the chair

A chair contributes full to the aesthetic value of an office, it is of great importance to consider first the design of the chair above everything else. The chair also gives a client the first impression about the kind of people he is dealing with, thus, the chair speaks more about you. You can also pick the color of a chair that suite your brand color making the view more appealing.

  1. Adjustability

Nearly all office chairs do have an arm and height adjustment; nevertheless, these are not the adjustments to consider when shopping for a good office chair. The most important features to consider include the lumbar support arm, seat back width, height, tension control, back angle and arm width. Make sure the control system of all the adjustments does not use any efforts hence use either a dial or a bulb pump.

  1. Lumbar Support

A good office chair should have a good backrest to support the whole of your back. It can be adjustable or fixed provided it comfortably allows the user to fit his/her back to the backrest. This is vital since it prevents the straining of the back or other worse back conditions such as sciatica.

  1. Type of Fabric Material

The fabric should be completely breathable allowing air to surpass if from time to time. In this way, it keeps the chair cool even when you have spent hours on it. It should also have a cushion that is thick enough to ensure that it can withstand any amount of weight without making the person feel the base of the chair.

  1. Wheel and Swivel Base

Almost all chairs have a wheelbase, but make sure the type of wheelbase you choose is specifically for carpet thus will not destroy any part of the carpet or flow. You can also choose the type that you can roll for easy picking of items across a desk. The chair should also have a fine swivel base that freely swivels preventing any arm and leg fatigue.


Having the right chair that keeps you comfortable and supports all the physicality your body has to offer will always increase the rate of output in a firm. It also protects you from injury and any types of strain making you enthusiastic and happy while working. Make sure your choice of the chair to purchase reflects on increasing your productivity not forgetting the good welfare of your employees.

For a wide range of exceptional chairs that will cater for all your office needs, think no further than Unique Advance Sdn Bhd. The company actualizes all the designs you may have for your open office at affordable rates leaving your office dazzling with professionalism at its peak.

UA Office is a Malaysia office furniture manufacturer and office furniture supplier specializing in modular system furniture, partitions, desks, & office chairs.

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