What are the Major Advantages of Using Non Slip Floor Coating?

HomeHome Improvement

  • Author Ray Stobbart
  • Published October 11, 2019
  • Word count 649

Floors are an important part of any building, regardless of it being residential or commercial. Not just for walking, but floors also affect how the interior or exterior of a building appears. For instance, a lot of people today are favouring tiles and natural stones over other types of flooring materials. This is because natural stones and tiles add a touch of sophistication and visual appeal that is missing from the other floor surfaces. However, the installation of any particular type of flooring does not end your responsible. Rather, your responsibility starts from there.

It is important to properly clean and maintain your floors. If you fail to do so, the lifespan of your floors will decrease, they will have unappealing stains on them and they might even turn slippery. But, the problem is that even if you do regularly clean your floors and schedule for periodic deep cleans, there is no guarantee that your floors will not turn slippery after a few years. The only way to find out if your floors are safe to walk on is by carrying out a slip resistance test like, the pendulum test. In case the PTV value of the test is more than 36, it means that your floors are not slippery and you have nothing to worry about. However, if the test results come back as less than 36, you need to seriously consider anti slip treatments.

One of the easiest and popular anti slip treatments is the application of non slip coating. The professionals will be able to help you on the best coating as per your floor type. Some of the benefits of using anti slip floor coating are given below.

Quick installation and competitive price

The application of an anti slip floor coating is a simple process and professionals with the right equipment can finish the task within a few hours or days, depending on how big the area is. Also, there are different types of coating and you can be sure of finding one that suits your budget.

This solution is ideal for commercial places as you cannot keep your office shut for very long. The coating does not take too long to dry and you can resume business as usual. In fact, there are non slip coating that allows floors to be functional after only a few minutes of its application.

Prevents accidents and lawsuits

Slip and fall accidents can happen anywhere, even in your home. This is why it is important to consider the application of a non slip floor coating in your home if you have had any kind of fall incident. After all, you would not want a broken arm or leg.

But, when slip and fall accidents occur in the workplace, things can become a bit more complicated. When employees, clients or customers meet with an accident inside the premises of your office that has been the result of a slippery floor, you can look at a very expensive lawsuit. You might be dragged to the court and have to cover medical expenses, along with paying compensation for the damages. Such things can be avoided if you use an anti slip coating on your floors and make sure that people can walk about freely.

Increases the longevity of the floor

Unless you are thinking of a major renovation, you would not want to change the floor surface. Replacing floors take a lot of effort and of course, money. By applying non slip coating, you can make your floors as good as new and safe to walk on. With an added layer, the floors stay protected, especially in areas where there is heavy foot traffic. So, the longevity of the floors increases.

So, if you have recently faced a slip and fall accident in your home or office, it would be wise to consider talking to a professional company specialising in anti slip coating.

4Earth Solutions is the leading producer and distributor of non slip floor coating in the UK. The company also specialises in the application of anti slip coating. Thanks to their team of experienced professionals, they are capable of carrying out slip resistance tests and delivering the right non slip solutions.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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