Anti-slip coating A flooring essential

HomeHome Improvement

  • Author Ray Stobbart
  • Published October 19, 2019
  • Word count 671

Your floor can look aesthetically perfect, but will it still be likeable if it is highly slippery? Functionality is important. No matter what kind of flooring you lay, there will always be slip chances associated. Be it bricks, tiles, terrazzo, concrete or any other kind of stone – they will need anti-slip floor coating and anti-slip floor treatments.

What is an anti-slip coating?

Alternatively known as a protective coating on the floor; a non-slip coat is applied on the surface in order to prevent skid and create a slip-resistant floor. These coatings are manufactured in ways to fit the needs of the project. It can engineer a textured surface to prevent slip by suspending particles in the epoxy/polyurethane coating. These particles usually comprise of glass, rubber, aluminium and/ or other polymers etc.

Anti-slip coatings also come in the form of paints. They look aesthetically better, but in some cases, rough surface/ textured coating may become a need.

How does it benefit?

Well, there can be manifold benefits of getting an anti-slip coating installed. Apart from a safer home, your industrial premises NEED it. It would not be a choice.

  1. Saving money on insurance: it is imperative that you will be employing a workforce on your industrial premises. While routine tasks may be hectic in themselves; workers may also encounter slipping accidents due to a slippery floor. In all cases, especially when your documentations and reality supports the fact that you haven’t installed an anti-slip coating on your floor – you are destined to pay huge sums as insurance reimbursements.

  2. Morale: well, it may come as a surprise; but it is the truth. A dangerous workplace environment cannot boost employee morale. It will rather lower it. It also puts forward a friendly message that the organisation cares about the safety of its employees and every employee is guaranteed to like it leading to a boost in morale.

  3. Reduction in injuries at work: this may not require much explanation. The slip-resistant floor will prevent accidents and injuries on the floor. It will lead to employees taking lesser leaves from work and reduced halts in production.

  4. Decreased lawsuit: haven’t you heard that many companies are dragged into paying penalties due to the fact that they have dangerous workplace practices and/ or environment? This is one of those cases.

Imagine trying to get to the other side of the room and not being able to maintain your balance. Why? Lack of anti-slip coating. These coatings nearly eradicate the chance of disasters that slippery floors can cause. There are a lot of floor coatings provided by the anti-slip coating specialists in the market for each type of flooring, and you can choose what suits your premises best. These coats have a negligible thickness and still give it adequate grip to prevent accidents. These coatings are important for commercial, residential and industrial premises.

The state of the art technology has revamped how anti-slip coating is installed and made use of. The new antimicrobial technology has enabled manufacturers to add more benefits to the existing anti-slip coat. The major benefits include a guaranteed increase in durability, a cleaner coating that prevents dirt and grime build-up, prevention of mould growth, and saving much more money than you would have otherwise invested by opting for other alternatives of the anti-slip coating.

The type of slip-resistance needed will vary from project to project. It is the rule of the thumb that the more aggressive the anti-slip coat is; the difficult it will be to clean it. What kind of anti-slip coat will suit your floors depend on the type of activity that has to be carried out on the floor, the cleaning regime, the maintenance required, contamination, entertained traffic and the floor’s wear and tear over the time.

Anti-slip treatments are being preferred by large scale and small scale businesses. With increased regulations, it has become a need for all businesses – manufacturing or retail to comply with necessary workplace safety measures and anti-slip floor installation becomes one of them.

Specialising in the provision of various floor surface treatments and deep floor cleaning procedures; 4Earth solutions is a UK based company specialising in anti-slip coating and anti-slip floor treatments. If there is one word synonymous to 4Earth Solutions, then it is safety. Your floor will be two things: less slippery and safer.

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