Hiking in the Netherlands

Travel & LeisureOutdoors

  • Author Frank Van Oostendorp
  • Published January 3, 2020
  • Word count 353

Hiking in the Netherlands

Hiking in the Netherlands is a popular way to spend time for young and old in the weekends. A lot of people go together with their kids to the forest to walk a day hike and stretch their legs. The same goes for office workers and factory workers in their lunch break.

Hiking can be much more than just an activity though, it can also be a good exercise for muscles, clearing your head after a long day, or can be even an answer to a problem your working on.

Netherlands and hiking

Hiking is the way taking a walk is usually seen and taking a notch above that. Hiking can be a big camping trip and long walk all in the same outing. Long distance trails in the Netherlands are known for their scenic little villages and farms and forests. In the Netherlands you can hike in a lot of different scenery's and enjoy them all in a different way.

One of the more popular long distance trails is the Pieterpad that stretches from the north of Groningen to Maastricht. North to south. Other trails include the Roman Limes way that is a must if you are into Roman history and hiking like I am.

If you want to learn more about the different long distance trails in the Netherlands and fun day walks I recommend you visit my website for the best trails out there in the Netherlands.


Hiking is not limited to the Netherlands however and you can spend a day hike or long distance hike all over the world. Sticking with the Roman theme you can walk the Hadrian’s wall path in Great Britain, the Appalachian trail in America or the different Camino’s in Portugal, France, Italy and of course Spain. A bunch of these trails offer a lot of different experiences. I talk about the experiences I had on the trails that I have been on and talk about the gear I used.

So for everything that there is to do with hiking I invite you to my website HikeforPurpose.com!

HikeforPurpose.com is the website for everything there is to do about Hiking and backpacking. Follow Frank to all the destinations and learn more about the history of hiking and the different gear that is out there!

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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