Manaslu Larke La pass Trekking

Travel & LeisureTravel Tips

  • Author Abovethehimalaya Trekking
  • Published March 8, 2020
  • Word count 1,804

Manaslu Larke La pass Trekking

Larke La pass is another trekking paradise of Nepal. It is the longest pass of Nepal. Larke La pass is situated at an altitude of 5,106 meters from the sea level. Larke pass is located between Dharmashala and Bhimtang which is also the highest point on Manaslu trek.

You can get the amazing view of the mountains like Himachuili (7,893 m), Lango (6,668 m) and Saula (6,235 m) apart from mount Manaslu. Larke La pass region is also considered very rich in flora and fauna. Many rare spices of plants like sal, papa Lampastti (Duabanga) and Dhusure (Lagerstroemia Praviflora). Schima wallichii, Chirepine (Pinus roxburghii), Castanopsis Indica, Pipal Lampastti (Duabanga), Siris (albizia Mollis) are found here.

Furthermore, studies have shown that there are more than 33 different species of mammal, 211 different species of butterfly and 110 different species of birds. Besides that Monkey, weasel, Langur monkey wild dogs, wild cats, porcupines, Ghoral are some of the main birds found in the Manaslu region. To conserve and protect these endangered animals and birds, the Manaslu conservation area was opened in 1998.

Additionally, this conservation area covers the area of 1,663 km. Larke La pass is difficult for trekking that is why it is called the killer mountain. This article will give you the detail itinerary of trekking to Larke la pass.

Larke Pass

Trekking in Nepal is not that easy task to do and Manaslu is one of the riskiest mountains to climb. Interestingly, it is also called the "The Killer Mountain" because of its difficulty during the climbing. People from all around the world come to do this trek in 2008, 297 defeats of the mountain were made out of which 53 deaths occurred in the mountains. It is very important to choose the foible season for planning trekking for Larke Pass would be more effective in spring (March to May) and autumn (Mid Sep to November).

Luckily, this time is the least harmful to bad weather, snowfall, rainfall, and avalanches and you can enjoy your trek. As a matter of fact, December is considered as one of the best months for trekking to Larke pass you will get a moment of your life with crystal clear views. In the negative side, the cold temperature is the major obstacles for your journey. However, we should not forget to start their trek early to avoid the unusual wind and weather that increases later in the day and delay your trek.

Manaslu Larke

Manaslu Larke is the best and exciting trek you can ever experience in your life time. There is an ancient monastery "Sama Gompa" at Sama Gaou which is the oldest monastery at Larke la pass. Being wild and remote, the trek succeeds to simplify the trekkers as there are lots of tea-houses along the way. Therefore, there would be easy accessible of food and accommodation. Visiting the Manaslu conservation area where the range of wildlife including endangered animals like snow leopards and red pandas are protected. Manaslu Larke is the best alternative of the Annapurna circuit, you can get to the view of the glorious mountain of Annapurna region.

Highlights of trek to Larke la pass

• You can get to enjoy the pass through the distinctive and remotely located village around Mount Manaslu which the world’s seventh highest mountain.

• Exploring the unique set of the cultural diversity of those remote villages of Nepal. In villages are mainly resides the followers of Buddhism and there are many ancient monasteries

• You can get the magnificent view of Mount Manaslu while crossing the Larke Pass, which is at an elevation of 5,125 meters.

• Also, you will pass through the paths which bid you the neighboring and marvelous view of beautiful eye-catching mountains

• Diving in the pool of natural and scenic beauty, you will enjoy the hospitality and friendliness of the local’s people of the Manaslu region.

• We can get to see the mixture of Nepalese and Tibetan culture following Buddhism

• There are many suspension bridges as you cross the Budhi Gandaki, a long deep river.

• The view breathtaking Manaslu range and many other mountains throughout the trekking route.

Brief Itinerary of the Larke La Pass trek:

Day 1: Arrive at Kathmandu

The trek to Larke la pass starts from Kathmandu so you will have to reach Kathmandu. You will be picked up by our team members and then escorted to your hotel's rooms. After taking some rest you may roam around Kathmandu. You will have a short meeting related to this trek. Kathmandu is known for its historical culture and temples. You can visit some of the temples of Kathmandu like Pashupatinath and Shyambunath.

Day 2: Kathmandu to Solti Khola

After having breakfast at your hotel you will be starting your trek. Solti Khola is situated at the altitude of (700m/2,296ft) from sea level. Local buses from Kathmandu to Solti Khola are easily available or you can take your private taxi. It takes nearly 6 hours to reach to Solti Khola through Arught. You can stop at Arught for lunch. If you reach Solti Khola early you can explore the beautiful village.

Day 3: Solti Khola to Macha Khola

Macha Khola is located at the altitude of 930m/3,051ft. Your real trekking journey starts from this day. You will have to walk through the terrace farm. The route to Macha Khola goes through the sal forest. It takes about 6 hours walk to reach Macha Khola through some rocky and sandy trail. You will also get to see some waterfalls, cliffs and cross the suspension bridge on the way to Macha Khola.

Day 4: Trek to Jagat

After getting early morning breakfast at Macha Khola, you will head off to Jagat. Jaga is at an altitude of 1,340 meters. Following the narrow trail, you will reach to Budi Gandaki and crossing another suspension bridge. After a few ascends and descends through the bank of the river and gravel road you will reach Jagat. You can stay overnight in the village of Jagat.

Day 5: Trek to Deng

From Jagat, you will move towards Deng. Salleri is located at the distance of a couple of kilometers from Deng. From there you will reach to Phillim. Phillim is a beautiful Gurung village with maize fields all over. Deng is situated at the elevation of 1,800m/5,905ft. You will reach to the bank of Budi Gandaki. After crossing Budi Gandaki and a short walk through the bamboo forest you will reach Deng.

Day 6: Trek to Namrung

From Deng, you will climb the narrow trail and reach to the west of Budi Gandaki. After about an hour of walk, you will reach Rana which is situated at an altitude of 1980 meters from the sea level. There are lots of rivers and streams on the way to Namrung. From a siring valley, there are some ascends and descendants. After crossing the Mani wall and Ghap you will reach Namrung.

Day 7: Trek to Sama Gaon

Leaving Namrung behind you will continue your trek toward Sama Gaon. Firstly you ascend toward the village of Lihi, solo, and Lho. The route will take you to a shady forest full of birds and natural beauty of High Mountain and peaks. Enjoying the beauty of nature you will reach Shyala village. From thereafter walking about an hour you will reach to Sama Gaon.

Day 8: Acclimation day at Sama Gaon

Sama Gaon is situated at an altitude of 3,530 meters. This day is a kind of day to rest and relax your stress of this trek. Firstly, you can roam around the village of Sama Gaon and observe the local lifestyle of the people living there. You can also visit some of the monastery Buddhists monasteries. Many people in this region follow Buddhism. You can also hike up to mountains to Manaslu base camp.

Day 09: Trek to Samado

After resting and enjoying the local culture you will have to head off to Samado. It is located at an altitude of 3,860 meters. You will have to follow the trail through the bank of Budi Gandaki River. This route will take you to the suspension bridge you will cross this bridge and from there you will have to cross a few Mani walls. Following the rocky trail through Juniper, there is a Birch forest. Crossing the brich forest as you will reach to Samado.

Day 10 : Trek to Larke rest house

Continuing the journey to Larke la pass the trek goes through the edge of the cross the wooden bridge. The route goes through Budi Gandaki then uphill to the stream to cross. After crossing a few rivers and streams and getting the glance of the glacier you will reach Dharmashala. Dharmashala is a guest house located at the Larke Pedi region at the altitude of 4,470m/14,665ft. At the end of the day, you will reach Dharmashala in a short time so you can acclimate the rest of the day.

Day 11: Crossing Larke La pass

This is the most exciting day of this trek. You will have to get up early in the morning, after having breakfast you will start climbing toward the north side of Larke Glacier. You will get the magnificent view of the Cho Dhada. Finally, we ascend the moraines of a glacier which becomes quite steep at the end before reaching the pass. From here you can also get the view of high mountains like Himchuli, Cheo and Annapurna II. After having the longest walk we finally reach Bhimtang, there you can get an amazing view of Mount Manaslu makes every step worth it.

Day 12: Trek to Tijie

Tijie is a small village around Manaslu Mountain. The trail to Tijie goes through the incredible forest filled with Rhododendron and a narrow valley of high cultivated areas. Enjoying the View Mountains like Mt. Manaslu, Lamjung, Cheo Himal, Himchuli, etc. you will reach to Karche valley. From Karche valley walking downhill, you will reach Tijie. You can stay overnight at hotels on Tijie.

Day 13: Trek to Bulbule

From Tijie you will go to Bulbule via Darpani. You will have to cross the beautiful village of Tijie to reach Darpani. From the checkpoint of Darpani we will enter the Annapurna circuit. Form there enjoying the view of amazing Annapurna massif. From Darpani you can easily get the bus to Bulbule. Overnight at Bulbule.

Day 14 : Bulbule to Kathmandu

You nearly come to the end of this journey. Furthermore, from Bulbule you can drive to Kathmandu through Beshishar. Enjoying the exotic view of the hills and mountain you will reach Kathmandu. You can do last minute shopping at Kathmandu. You can visit Thamel Bazaar if you want to take some local Nepali products with you.

Day 15: Final departure

Day 15 counts the last day of your Nepal visit. This trekking journey has surely been enjoyable and remarkable. Hence, the team above the Himalaya hopes to see you for more trekking experience in Nepal. Happy trekking!!!

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Abhishek · 4 years ago
Nice article, thanks for sharing us IND Wonders

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