How to prepare for Annapurna base camp trek

Travel & LeisureTravel Tips

  • Author Puru Timalsena
  • Published March 8, 2020
  • Word count 1,828

How to prepare for Annapurna Base camp trek is a big question for trekking in the Annapurna region. Annapurna range consists of lots of snow Peak Mountains with an elevation of more than 8000 meters. The distance of Annapurna's tail ranges from 160 – 230 km. The 10th highest of the world is also situated in the Annapurna range. Annapurna range is also known as the "statuary of the gods". The vegetation changes from the sub-tropical green leafy postulate to the world’s deepest gorge Kali Gandaki. Nepal has always been able to fulfill the desire of adventure geeks. The landscape, forest, mountains, and Himalayas of Nepal attracts many tourists. Annapurna base camp is also one of the most visited tourist destinations of Nepal.

Get the best view of Annapurna massif

You will be surrounded by the beautiful gorge Kali Gandaki which is also known as the world’s deepest gorge in the west, amazing Marshyangdi River in the north and the east and the gorgeous Pokhara valley in the south. The electrifying view of the wonderful Annapurna Massif, Dhaulagiri, Machhapuchhre, Manaslu, Gangapurna, Tilicho Peak, Pisang Peak, and PaungdaDanda will take your breath away. how to prepare for Annapurna base camp trek, Going to Annapurna circuit is more fun and exciting with family, friends, and colleagues especially the side trips and tours from places like Manang, Muktinath, and Jomsom rank as the focus of the trek. Since the trekking trail covers Manang and lower Mustang which are more influenced by the Tibetan values and beliefs. The trek to the Annapurna valley is also known as the "Round of Annapurna". Your trip starts from Besisahar and ends on Annapurna base camp.

Physical fitness needed for Annapurna Base Camp trek

The main thing that you need to know before heading towards the Annapurna base camp trek is physical fitness. Annapurna base camp trek falls on the moderate difficulty on the trek. You don’t need to have lots of trekking experience and knowledge for this trek. People with every age group can do this trek as long as you are physically fit. This trek is situated at the high altitude so you may have do prepare yourself from inside. Annapurna base camp is mostly about mountains peak, you will have to walk nearly 5 to 6 hours a day. For making your walking capability stronger you can go swimming and exercise. Doing yoga also helps a lot in trekking as you have to make you both mind and body fit.

High altitude sickness

Annapurna base camp is located at a high altitude so getting altitude sickness is quite common. Lots of travelers get altitude sickness during trekking. You can collect lots of information regarding its symptoms, precaution and its preventive methods. You must have the consult of a doctor for this. And never ignore if you feel any symptoms of high altitude sickness as they can lead to something massive thing which cannot be cured soon enough. So do you have to do medical treatments before doing this trek? You will have to carry a medical kit for unexpected activities.

Mentally preparation

You will have to make up your mind before doing this trek. You will have to be mentally fit and fine for the unexpected movements that may arise. The trekking route is not easy. You will have to hike uphill and downhill. Involving and traveling around Annapurna valley is not very comfortable. With the difficulty in trekking, the accommodation will also not be easy. So being mentally fit is very important. There will not be luxurious hotels so you have to stay at the local tea be mentally prepare for these things

The place to stay (Accommodation)

You will find lots of luxurious places for accommodation around Kathmandu and Pokhara valley. The hotels around Annapurna valley are not luxurious and hot shower, air-condition, toilet and many more. You may also have to share your rooms as hotels and rooms are limited. You can also see and observe the tradition and culture of the Sherpa and Gurung in the hotels. The special thing about the hotels there was they served the local food in proper Nepali style. The hotels and tea houses around the region are homely. You can enjoy the fire in the evening, each tea house possesses. In addition to this, you can also enjoy the dinner while enjoying the camp fire with the fellow travelers you meet on the way.

Best time to trek Annapurna base camp

You can visit Annapurna base camp on any time of the year but March-June i.e. consider as the best time to trek Annapurna base camp as this is the spring season which is a enjoy the vacation with the perfect weather which provides the clear views of the gorgeous and magnificent snow-capped mountain and diverse landscapes, lush green forest, blooms rhododendrons on the way to Annapurna Base Camp.

Another best time to visit Annapurna base camp is September to December on which is the autumn season in Nepal. It is the perfect season for trekking to Annapurna circuit. Weather-wise you can fully enjoy the clear and refreshing view of the stunning mountain peaks. You can also get to observe the local culture and tradition of the local people in these seasons as many of the Nepali festivals fall on these seasons.

The following season is also famous for trekking Annapurna base camp.

October – November: - the circuit is refreshing and clean. The temperature is also warm.

December – March:-it is the coldest time of the year. Snowfall may bock the trail.

April – May: - the snow starts melting and the weather is quite warm.

June – September:-The sparkling and lush flora makes the surrounding delightful.

Trekking permit

You need to take permit for trekking Annapurna base camp trek. There are usually two types of trekking permit you need to have before trekking Annapurna base camp: - TIMS (Transport Information Management System) and ACAP (Annapurna Conservation Area Entry Permit). The TIMS is necessary for every trekker who is trekking Nepal. You can make a TIMS card on Pokhara and Kathmandu. It takes NRS 2000 to make TIMS. And for ACAP it is for visiting the Annapurna region. You will get to visit the forest part of the Annapurna conservation. This card also can be made in Kathmandu and Pokhara. There will be a checkpoint on the way where you have to show these permits.

Hire a guide

Annapurna base camp is one of the most visited tourist destinations of Nepal and Annapurna base camp falls on the moderate trek. It is really important to hire a guide while trekking. Guide walnut only helps to find a way to your destination but also they will help us to find information and history of that place. A guide can help you for how to prepare for Annapurna base camp trek and also make your trip more fun and enjoyable. They also make us familiar with and the local tradition and culture. If you have any problem regarding the trek guide will help you to get out of that problem. But you will have to hire a licensed gained guide. With the proper guidance of a guide you can minimize your trekking expenses.

Solo trek or group trek

Solo trek

Many people have been trekking Annapurna base camp solo. So it is not a new thing that you want to trek alone. Instead, you'll also bump into a whole lot of other trekkers following a similar path so you can join them to get a company. The best thing about trekking Annapurna trek solo is you can have the freedom of doing whatever you want to do and wherever you want to go. It is comparatively lot more cheaply than booking a travel company. But trekking alone is not safe.

Group trek

Trekking in the group is a lot more fun and enjoyable. You can get other people to support and be supported by - which can go a long way when you're all exhausted and out of breath in the final days. You will be provided with porters to carry your luggage. how to prepare for Annapurna base camp trek, You can get a lot more knowledge and information about that place. Everything regarding the trek like permits, accommodation all will be arranged by the travel company. But it is more expensive than solo trekking. You may not find people with some thought as yours, so you may feel lonely.

Things you need to bring with you:

The sleeping bag which helps on cold night’s higher altitude, A medical kit which consists of paracetamol, bandage, move, tape, etc. Which you may need anytime. water purifier solution and tablets as water may not be clean everywhere. Take warm and good clothes with you as you will be walking through high altitude and the weather may be extremely cold. carry sunglass, sunhat and sunburn cream with you. Take your water bottles with you because Dehydration can occur quickly and cause irritation, headache, and rashes in the upper region.

You may find some water station but this water is not very pure and can cause many harmful diseases so you should carry some water purification tablet during the trek. Bring enough cash with you. Buy the trekking boots because hiking in other shoes hurts your feet but if you hike in your trekking shoes it will not hurt your feet and makes you feel comfortable. Gain as much as information of the trek as you can have, it will help for your preparation. You should carry all your personal needed equipment like personal toiletries, electronic and power banks. You have to have travel insurance that covers trekking and other emergency packages. Choose the best weather conditions for a perfect and comfortable trek for beginners as well as for anyone who just wants to enjoy a comfortable trek.


You need to have a plan or be prepare during any trekking. Even though How to prepare for Annapurna base camp trek long, moderate and high altitude trek, you will enjoy, have lots of memories and experience here. If you are preparing for this trek physically and mentally you can enjoy every second of this trek. Many trails are going to Annapurna base camp, you can choose any route according to your comfort. You may have to walk 4 - 6 hours a day. Exercise, swimming, and yoga help a lot. Don’t forget to relax and enjoy the amazing journey and take good memories with you.

Don’t forget to take e photographs along the way as well as at the Annapurna Base Camp. ABC trip trail makes for some of the greatest pictures with the mountains in the background. In the lower regions, blossoms of the red and white rhododendrons, and local people in their traditional attire we are sure that this will be your best experience. We hope you had a lovely time adventuring Nepal. Have a safe journey!!!

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