Designing Your Own Website Vs. Hiring A Professional To Do It

BusinessMarketing & Advertising

  • Author Gary Rogers
  • Published October 1, 2020
  • Word count 579

Designing Your Own Website Vs. Hiring A Professional To Do It

Whether you're a local business, home baker or someone who's offering services, having a professional-looking website is a crucial part of running a business. Now that almost everyone turns to the internet for things and services they need, getting your brand out there gives you the edge and enables you to get more potential customers.

The problem is, if you're just starting, different things need to be taken into consideration, and this includes deciding on whether you should design your website, or have someone do it for you. Designing your own website may save you big bucks, but is it ideal? If you're going to think of it, in the long run, it's going to cost you more money, time, and effort.

By deciding to design a website on your own, you're missing on a lot of opportunities. Here are some reasons why you should hire a website designer instead of doing it on your own:

Cheaper In The Long Run

As mentioned earlier, the cost of designing the website may be free if you'll do it on your own, but it's going to cost you your precious time. Instead of working on more important "money-making" activities, you're stuck in creating and designing a website you don't even know how to make.

Some people who've decided to make it on their own ended up paying for classes, tutorial services, or better yet, hire someone eventually to fix the errors and get things done. Skip all of these by hiring a professional service immediately instead. Not only you'll be able to save more time, but you'll also have a better looking, professionally-designed website created within a faster timeframe.

Professional Looking Website

Your website is your online storefront, and it needs to look appealing. A professional website designer will be able to work with your concept, work on the site's branding colours, and create a user interface that is functional and responsive too! Since the majority of people access websites from their mobile devices, responsiveness is an important feature your website has.

A professional web design company will be able to create a website that lets you flawlessly navigate from one page to another while incorporating an overall design and look aligned with your vision and company branding.

Search Engine Optimization

The majority of web design companies also take into consideration SEO when setting up your new site. SEO is a popular marketing strategy that all online businesses should utilize. By hiring someone with expertise and knowledge in the field, you'll also be able to have a site that's SEO-friendly, making it easier to rank in Google and get better results.

Enhanced Site Security

A website needs to be secure - this is one of the things your potential customers may look at when they first visit or before they make that purchase. With a professional web design service, they will be able to implement a secured website with encrypted checkout page (if needed) giving your customers peace of mind.


As tempting as it may sound, and no matter how many people would say that website design is something that you can do on your own, do not risk creating a website especially if you don't have expertise in it. Hire someone who has extensive knowledge and experience in the field to build your website based on your needs, branding, and everything else your online business needs to thrive.

Armagh Web Design Agency builds wordpress websites for small to medium sized business requirements in Northern Ireland.

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