The Top 10 Reasons Employees Leave Their Jobs — And How To Combat Them


  • Author Alex Belsey
  • Published March 26, 2021
  • Word count 1,027

Since 2010, the number of employees voluntarily leaving their jobs has continued to climb.

But what accounts for these statistics? Are workers really less happy in their jobs than they were a decade ago, even with more positive workplace changes? Or are the reasons more complex?

Studies have found that it wasn’t because workers were unhappy in their jobs as such, but more that they felt there was a better option elsewhere, which could challenge and support them more. Millennials especially were likely to emphasise constant growth and improvement, and often found that moving jobs was the best way to achieve this.

While moving jobs can sometimes be a wise and positive decision, it can also present challenges. It can place enormous strain on employers and employees if the turnover of personnel is too regular. Many employers and employees are instead taking steps to ensure that job satisfaction is high, and that workers can be retained.

Whether you are an employer, an employee, self-employed, or even a combination of them all, this article can help. We’ll take a look at some of the top reasons employees leave their jobs, and how you can meet and combat the associated challenges.

  1. Better Opportunities

Perhaps one of the most easily understood reasons why employees leave their jobs, is that they identify more exciting opportunities elsewhere. This might mean better pay, more opportunities for promotion, better training on the job, and more.

A great way to combat this is with training opportunities at work, or regular communication between employer and employees about opportunities for growth, or more responsibilities.

  1. Seeking More Flexibility

Many workers are trying to balance their work responsibilities with family life, and nowadays there are higher expectations around being able to achieve a great ‘work-life balance’. Many workers leave their jobs because the hours are unsuitable or unsociable, and they are seeking greater flexibility.

More discussions around flexibility, as well as offering them the opportunity to work remotely, or from home, can help to combat this. It can be especially helpful when trying to reduce the number of worker absences or sick days that need to be taken.

  1. Feeling Under-Appreciated

This reason can be more difficult to measure, but is still regularly reported as a reason for leaving a job. When workers feel like their contributions are overlooked, or that they do not receive enough praise and recognition, their job satisfaction — and even their self-worth — can take a hit.

Employers are combating this by developing ways to reward employees, such as by offering incentives, challenges, and even awards. On a more micro scale, employers who regularly praise workers and thank them for their contributions, are more likely to retain a happy workforce.

  1. Lack Of Feedback

Many workers have found that a lack of communication in their job meant they soon looked elsewhere for work. A lack of feedback in the role could mean that they rarely hear whether they are doing well in the role, or underperforming, while not having regular performance reviews can deprive the employee of the opportunity to give feedback of their own.

When communication feels like a ‘two-way street’ — with opportunities to both give and receive feedback — employers and employees are much more likely to feel satisfied.

  1. Negative Work Culture

Workplace bullying, or cliquey behaviours, are carefully monitored and dealt with in the best workplaces. But they can also be more insidious and difficult to spot. When employees leave their jobs due to a negative work culture, it can often be because the behaviours were difficult to report.

Ensuring that there is an open line of communication — with confidentiality assured if needed — can be key to combatting this. Team building activities, socialising, and fostering a considerate, respectful atmosphere can also be essential for worker happiness and retention.

  1. The Job Was Unsuitable

Many employees switch jobs because, once in the role, they find that their skills are not a match and that the job is unsuitable. This can be because the job was not advertised in enough detail, because they were not interviewed thoroughly enough, or because the specified role was described in an ambiguous fashion which led to its duties being misunderstood.

More employers are combatting this by making use of recruitment professionals and companies who can identify the best candidates at the earliest stages. This minimises the likelihood of unsuitable hires.

  1. Physical Work Environment

A bright, clean, pleasant work environment that fosters communication and collaboration can also be helpful to worker retention. It is unlikely to be a frontrunner reason that employees leave their jobs, but an unappealing workspace can definitely influence the decision.

  1. Lack Of Stability

Many jobs are sporadic by their very nature. Shift work, irregular hours, or freelance projects may all feel somewhat unstable. But there are ways that employers can help give a sense of stability.

Even timely and honest communication, acknowledgement of the irregular schedule, and the effort to make other areas of the job stable, can all be a positive contribution.

  1. Lack Of Growth

Employees often like to have opportunity to grow and develop professionally, but it can extend to their opinion of the company as well. Employees are more likely to stay in roles when they believe that the company itself is growing, developing, and expanding.

This may not necessarily mean taking on more clients or making more products, for example, but can simply mean that the company has a progressive approach and is always seeking opportunities to improve. The companies that employees perceive as being flexible, progressive, and seeking fresh opportunities, tend to fare better in employee retention.

  1. Seeking Challenge

Employees perhaps most commonly leave their current jobs because they are seeking a new challenge. But employers can help to provide this in their current role.

With regular communication and honest discussion, challenges can be created through extra training, more responsibilities, the creation of new roles and titles, and more. When employees feel challenged, they often push themselves to perform better — giving greater value to both themselves and their employers.

The greater sense of accomplishment, confidence, and job satisfaction that comes from being challenged, means employees are much more likely to stay in the role.

Article by New Frontiers Marketing

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