7 Important Safety Tips For Summer Driving

Autos & Trucks

  • Author Alex Belsey
  • Published June 15, 2021
  • Word count 761

Summer is a great time to travel and enjoy the outdoors. But while Winter is famous for its ice, fog and slippery roads, Summer is not without its hazards too. Hot weather can lead to dehydration, overheated engines, heavy congestion on the roads and more.

That’s why we have compiled these six essential safety tips below to help you when driving. Here you will find some of the simplest yet most effective ways to stay safe — and cool — in your car this Summer season.

  1. Allow Extra Time

Summer can be an especially busy time on the roads. It is not only more congested with holiday travellers and tourists, but it is also more likely for there to be motorcyclists and even pedestrians on the road. Many are also travelling with children or pets, so be especially vigilant.

Allowing extra time in your journey helps to avoid the disappointment of arriving late, as well as allowing for unexpected circumstances and delays. It may also help to keep your engine cooler if you don’t have to travel at a high speed.

  1. Check Your Tyres

Each season can require a different type of tyre so try to ensure that yours is appropriate for the most likely weather. Differences in Summer and Winter tyres can include the temperature at which they perform best, the depth of the tread, the stopping distance and more.

A visit to a reputable garage at the start of each season is always a good idea. This allows you to check that everything is in good working order with your car so that you can take longer trips with confidence. This is especially important if your Summer holiday will involve a lot of driving or is a long-distance drive away.

Checking tyres is a must, but it is also a good idea to ensure there are no problems with any essentials — such as windscreen wipers, the engine, the brakes and more.

  1. Charge Your Devices

With long Summer days, as well as frequent delays on busy roads, having all the necessary devices fully charged before a journey is a must. This not only applies to mobile phones but can also apply to the vehicle itself!

If you drive an electric vehicle, ensure that it is fully and adequately charged to avoid the disappointment of a breakdown. It may be more difficult to get assistance during busy times, as well as inconvenient if it delays your day out or holiday.

Electric vehicles vary in their range — though the range for new models is increasing all the time — so be sure to check yours in advance.

  1. Carry an Emergency Kit

An emergency kit can include a first aid kit, torch, batteries, mobile phone chargers and a car repair kit — but it can also be made especially appropriate for Summer. This might include extra water, a hand-held fan, allergy medicines (as allergies can be especially active during Summer) and a spare mobile phone.

While it may be unlikely you will ever need your kit, having one to hand can give great peace of mind.

  1. Stay Cool

Staying cool and hydrated during hot weather is a must, but especially while driving. This helps to ensure that you stay healthy and alert while on the road. Use your air conditioning, regularly seek out shade, stay hydrated and try to keep the car cool before you even embark on the journey — such as by avoiding parking in direct sunlight.

  1. Top Up Fluids

Fluids in your car can dry out especially quickly during the Summer months, and the engine is more vulnerable to overheating. Ensure that you are topped up with coolant, windscreen solution and all other essential fluids — especially before embarking on a long journey.

Don’t hesitate to visit your garage if you are unsure of your fluid levels or how to replenish them.

  1. Do Not Leave Your Dog In The Car!

Many know that dogs die in hot cars — but it can tragically happen much quicker expected, and also in lower temperatures. Even a car in 20 degrees celsius heat outside can rapidly reach over 40 degrees celsius inside.

Parking in the shade or leaving the windows ajar may simply not be enough. Hot cars are equally dangerous to pets, children, and the elderly — as well as many adults.

If you have to leave your car, be on the safe side and take everyone with you. Even if you only intend to be gone for a few minutes, you may be delayed. If this isn’t possible, always leave pets in the safety of the home.

This article was produced by New Frontiers Marketing for Yellow Car Shop (https://www.yellowcarshop.co.uk/) and Eclipse Autos (https://www.eclipseonestop.co.uk/)

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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