Why Aren’t We Living In The Stars?

Arts & Entertainment

  • Author Brian Gill
  • Published April 2, 2023
  • Word count 1,102

To ponder this thought, that Edwin Drake dug the first crude oil well way back in the mid-1800’s and now in the 2023 we are still a one planet group seems like progress had a nap.

So, looking back as a space inhabiting species, we may have gone through something like this.

It might have seemed that looking back into the dim past, humanity was unable to imagine what it has now accomplished. They had created technology that allowed them to go into space well beyond the boundaries of their own solar system, including the capacity to harness solar energy to power spaceships. For these galaxy class craft to succeed, previously unheard-of speeds must be reached without endangering the craft or passenger security.

In order to withstand the rigors of space travel, which may last for years or even even decades at a time, they developed the technology of hyper space sleep travel. This involves placing them into a protracted state of deep hibernation. In the end, they encountered strange, previously unknown creatures, some of which were hostile and some of which were amiable.

Humanity explored vast areas of space and found innumerable inhabited worlds that they were previously unaware of. They discovered worlds that were teaming with life, each with a special habitat and a particular set of difficulties. They came upon weird, never-before-seen species, some of which were aggressive and some of which were friendly. They witnessed marvels they had never imagined, and the limitless opportunities that were open to them encouraged them to explore further.

But not every planet they came across was friendly. Others were home to hostile species or sentient beings that posed a threat to humans. Other planets were uninhabitable owing to severe temperatures or a lack of resources. Despite these obstacles, humans remained adamant about carefully and cautiously exploring every part of the universes they visited. Drone ships initially performed this before actual humans were sent there.

So, they continued their ascent across space, discovering new planets and civilizations. They came across beings who were completely dissimilar from themselves and had as many different cultures and traditions as the stars themselves. Some of these creatures welcomed humanity with open arms, but others were distrustful or even aggressive. Yet, humanity persisted in its efforts to comprehend the cosmos and the creatures that lived there.

People on Earth become more and more aware of the opportunities the cosmos offered over time. We learnt to manipulate the force of the stars as well as spacetime itself. They discovered a way to use space-and time with a stars' power. These new technologies enabled them to travel farther and faster than ever before, overcoming previously inconceivable difficulties.

Targeted planets had to fulfill a number of criteria. It must be of breathable air, preferably a picturesque location abundant with deep forests, glistening rivers, and an all year around friendly, moderate temperature. Or at the very least seasons that were predictable. The smallest insects and largest creatures would all be present on the ground in an ideal world, and the air would be filled with bird life and glorious sounds of nature.

The people of Earth were frequently in awe of these discoveries, even though they had become common. They had long yearned for a new location to call home, a place where they might build a society free from the constraints of the past and becoming a multi planetary species. And they were now consistently locating them.

The scientists of Earth came to the conclusion that a planet was truly fit for their needs after conducting a thorough investigation. In order to live in harmony with the planet's natural ecosystem, they planned for the development of potential dwellings and structures for a settlement.

Although it was a difficult endeavor, the inhabitants of Earth were committed to making it work. Once on these new worlds, they built homes with their sophisticated technology that were both beautiful and useful, blending in well with the surroundings. By utilizing the planet's plentiful resources to cultivate crops and rear animals that would supply them with food and other necessities, they constructed farms and gardens. In order to connect their settlements to one another and to the planet's most valuable resources, they built networks of highways and paths.

The inhabitants of Earth would eventually interact with other ones on the new world as the settlement expanded and changed. A variety of native species were encountered by them, some of which were intelligent and communicative. Although there were at first some visible problems between humans and the local creatures, they eventually learnt to get along and even started to benefit each other. In an ideal scene of course.

On the new world, the inhabitants of Earth likewise had their own difficulties. A new style of existence that was in harmony with the planet's natural environment had to be adopted by them. They have to learn how to lead sustainable lives by using resources sensibly and effectively. They had to contend with the anticipated perils of the new planet, including hazardous predators and natural calamities.

The inhabitants of Earth prospered on the new planet despite these obstacles. Based on the values of cooperation, harmony, and respect for the new home and all of its people, they created a thriving civilisation. They continued their exploration of the world, learning new wonders and secrets along the way. They kept developing technology, coming up with fresh ideas, and expanding the realm of what was conceivable.

The inhabitants of Earth eventually came to the realization that they could not remain on just one new planet. They started exploring the cosmos once more in search of fresh planets and cultures. But now, after their experiences on the new world, they did it with a newfound reverence for the cosmos and its inhabitants.

The inhabitants of Earth realized there were other creatures in the universe when they began to travel through the stars. They had been moving about a lot, which had given them new insights on the universe's structure. They continued on investigating and picking up new knowledge in an endeavor to better grasp the cosmos and the mysteries it held. Because they recognized that they were and always would be a part of the universe, despite its size and abundance of mysteries, they did so while still feeling amazement and wonder.

Finally, we had flourishing communities across the vast expanse of space able to not only survive and flourish but came to interact with each other as time and space became our friends and not just an interference to peoples' dreams and desires.

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Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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