
  • Author Chibuike Okoroafor
  • Published November 12, 2023
  • Word count 590

For every opportunity in life there's always an opposition spiritually or physically to contend with (1Cor 16:9). Therefore, it's paramount for us to wage intense spiritual warfare using scriptural principles as recorded in Ephesians 6:12-18. Any battle you didn't defeat makes you a victim with generational imprints. Don't pass baton of unfinished battles to your children; whatever you don't defeat in your time waits for the next generation; battles (both spiritual and physical) aren't legacies nor inheritance, deal with it, unfinished battles cripples destiny, unfortunately many have been swallowed by battles they don't know how it started, many die foolishly because they fought people their sacrifice are heavier, don't fight who sacrifices more than you spiritually. Choose your battles wisely ! The most painful aspect of life is striving for survival and at the same time fighting unseen and seen forces, even the pride of lions are selective in their fight.

From biblical view points let's x-ray some people who firecely fought and subdued oppositions before their promotion.

1.Isaac couldn't enjoy his father's wells until he defeated the philistines. Gen 26: 18-26

2.Gideon couldn't excel until the altars of his father's house was brought down. Judges 6:25-27

3.Israelites couldn't enjoy liberty until Pharaoh and his cohorts where defeated: Ps 136:15

4.Joseph defeated a mess before his enthronement Gen 39: 7-11

5.Jesus couldn't enjoy his ministry untill Herod died Matt 2:19-20

6.Samson couldn't enjoy his ministry because Delilah took his strength judges 16:19

7.The government of heaven couldn't enjoy peace until Satan was defeated. Rev 12:7-11

Every great destiny will attract the attacks of the enemy and the warfare of destiny must be defeated before the welfare can be delivered. Unfortunately many who couldn't defeat these powers are cut off from the chronicles of life. If you sense greatness in your life; you must be intentionally conscious with associations and relationships( just like in the case of Paul & Barnabas, in Acts 15:37-40) & (Acts 9: 26-27). Relationships must serve a purpose that aid your growth and aligns you for more opportunities. Moreso, be strategic with your battles, David never fought every battle until he hears from God. Great destinies must be aligned to the leading of the holy spirit. Great destinies must understand time is the greatest asset of leverage. Give time to learn and unlearn but know when to thrust into progression because every retrogression in life can be traced on how the last second of your time is used. Oppositions manifest spiritually or physically and doesn't expire until firece contention are launched. If you notice something is fighting you or patterns are repeated continually don't keep quiet; launch a fierce spiritual warfare otherwise silence will become consent for the burial of destinies. There are many veritable ways opportunities could be lost in life and some of these factors are as follows:

  1. Greed & selfishness

  2. Wolverine spirits masquerading under the bloodline fraternities (family strongmen)

  3. Lack of spirituality

  4. Sexual orgies

  5. Dishonesty

  6. Frenemies

  7. Poor decisions

  8. Lack of discernment

  9. Pride and arrogance

  10. Uncontrollable temperament

  11. Disobedience

  12. Demonic radars

  13. Gossiping

God gave David rest from his enemies because he was always intentional in seeking God's face in prayers, whenever there's contention from the enemy, it's an indication as a believer to seek God's guidance. God will always direct us to his will but the enemy will fight to thwart the purpose of God in our lives, promotion and enjoying victorious life is dependent on how you handle your oppositions, so be strategic with your spirituality and do not grow weary because the adversary always prowl to seek whom to afflict with pain, depression etc.

Holds B.Eng in Chemical Engineering, holds diploma in Statistics, Word preacher, Creative writer, business addict, flexible with options

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Deborah · 1 year ago
Poweful insight Thank you sir for this revelation!!

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