Digital Advocacy: Myth or Future

Computers & TechnologyTechnology

  • Author Valery Rogalskiy
  • Published August 12, 2024
  • Word count 777

The legal profession, steeped in tradition and rigorous protocols, is on the cusp of a digital revolution. With the rapid advancement of technology, the concept of digital advocacy is increasingly gaining traction. As an experienced lawyer, Valery Rogalskiy, I have witnessed the evolution of legal practices firsthand and can attest to both the potential and the challenges of digital advocacy. This article explores whether digital advocacy is a mere myth or the inevitable future of the legal field.

The Promise of Digital Advocacy

  1. Enhanced Access to Justice

One of the most compelling arguments for digital advocacy is its potential to democratize access to legal services. Digital platforms can bridge the gap for individuals in remote or underserved areas, providing them with access to legal resources and representation that would otherwise be out of reach.

  1. Efficiency and Speed

Digital tools can streamline many aspects of legal work. Case management software, virtual courtrooms, and electronic filing systems can significantly reduce the time and effort required to prepare and present cases. This efficiency not only benefits lawyers but also clients, who can expect quicker resolutions to their legal issues.

  1. Cost-Effective Solutions

Transitioning to digital advocacy can lead to cost savings for both legal practitioners and their clients. Reduced need for physical office space, paper, and travel can lower overhead costs, making legal services more affordable and accessible to a broader audience.

  1. Greater Transparency

Digital platforms can enhance transparency in legal processes. Clients can track the progress of their cases in real-time, access documents online, and communicate more effectively with their legal representatives. This transparency can build trust and improve client satisfaction.

  1. Innovative Legal Services

Technology opens the door to innovative legal services that were previously unimaginable. From AI-driven legal research to online dispute resolution and virtual legal consultations, digital advocacy can revolutionize how legal services are delivered.

Challenges and Realities

  1. Cybersecurity and Privacy

With the increased reliance on digital tools comes the heightened risk of cyber threats. Protecting sensitive client information and maintaining confidentiality is paramount. Legal firms must invest in robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard against data breaches and hacking attempts.

  1. Digital Divide

Not all clients have equal access to digital technologies. Those without reliable internet access or digital literacy skills may find themselves at a disadvantage. Ensuring that digital advocacy is inclusive and accessible to all is a critical challenge.

  1. Legal and Regulatory Hurdles

The legal framework has traditionally been slow to adapt to technological advancements. Many jurisdictions still have regulations that mandate physical presence or paper documentation for certain legal processes. Overcoming these regulatory barriers will require concerted effort and advocacy for legislative change.

  1. Ethical Considerations

The use of technology in legal practice raises ethical questions. Issues such as the potential for AI bias, the accuracy of automated legal advice, and the impact on the attorney-client relationship must be carefully considered and addressed.

  1. Transition and Training

The shift to digital advocacy requires significant changes in how legal work is conducted. Legal professionals need training to effectively use new technologies, and firms must invest in the necessary infrastructure. The transition period can be challenging and resource-intensive.

The Way Forward

As Valery Rogalskiy, I believe that digital advocacy represents the future of the legal profession, albeit with significant caveats. The potential benefits in terms of access to justice, efficiency, and innovation are too substantial to ignore. However, realizing this future requires a balanced approach that addresses the challenges head-on.

  1. Strengthening Cybersecurity

Investing in state-of-the-art cybersecurity measures is non-negotiable. Legal firms must prioritize the protection of client data and ensure compliance with data privacy regulations.

  1. Bridging the Digital Divide

Efforts must be made to ensure that digital advocacy is accessible to all, regardless of socio-economic status or geographic location. This includes providing digital literacy training and ensuring access to necessary technologies.

  1. Advocating for Legal Reform

Legal practitioners must advocate for changes in legislation to accommodate digital practices. This includes recognizing electronic signatures, allowing virtual court proceedings, and updating regulations to reflect modern technological realities.

  1. Ethical Oversight

Developing clear ethical guidelines for the use of technology in legal practice is essential. This includes addressing concerns about AI bias, ensuring the accuracy of digital tools, and maintaining the integrity of the attorney-client relationship.


Digital advocacy is not a myth but a rapidly approaching reality. As we navigate this transition, it is crucial to embrace the benefits while meticulously addressing the associated challenges. The future of legal practice lies in leveraging technology to enhance access, efficiency, and innovation, ultimately leading to a more equitable and effective legal system. As we move forward, the legal profession must remain adaptable, vigilant, and committed to upholding the highest standards of justice in a digital world.

Valery Rogalsky is a lawyer, member of the International Association of Russian-Speaking Lawyers (MARA), eMBA.

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