Is Zrii A Scam Or Legitimate?


  • Author Don Downes
  • Published April 28, 2008
  • Word count 423

You may have stumbled upon Zrii around on the internet lately. It is a multi-level marketing company that originated in Utah in October 2007 so it is moderately new. Being an mlm company it runs through a network marketing business model, employing direct sales as a main tactic.

The product Zrii is marketed as a "super juice," with owners of the company affirming that it will deliver "rejuvenation, health and vitality" into the lives of those who drink it. The juice was created after doctors conceptualized the power of mixing together seven fruits and herbs. It is pronounced as all natural, preservative-free and safe for everyone of all ages.

Its marketing plan says that it will provide both vitality and energy to those who drink it. The marketing plan claims that the daily recommended intake of this juice is between one and three ounces, and as expected, the company suggests that the average person drink three ounces a day. This would bring the cost to about $125, not including the shipping per month.

To add to the marketing plan, this juice has also been endorsed by the well-known Chopra Center for Well Being. Clearly the owners of the juice would like consumers to believe it is healthy. The company named the model that determines how much money people can make from selling the juice the "Prosperity Plan."

It is a unilevel compensation plan with nine levels, meaning that you can have several people under you as your downline. When your downline completes a sale, you will get a small percentage of their profit. This compensation model requires three legs, and it is particularly difficult because the structure has to be very specific and just right in order to make a substantial income.

Such information conveys that this company is not the typical scam. You can make money from it, though obviously you must be good at sales to do so. There is a lot of competition right now in the world of "super juices," making it that much more difficult to sell the product.

Even the company's persistent efforts to market it as a health product, pointing out its benefits, it often gets lumped into the same category as other juices on the market. If you are up for the challenge of trying to market this product by using mlm tactics, you have some hard work ahead of you.

It can be done, but this product is not a ticket to fast money by any means. Just be prepared if you decide to do it.

Don Downes is a successful internet marketer and one of the industries leading income earners in the home based business arena. Don's focus is about helping others become full time entrepreneurs by spreading health and wellness with others. For a great legitimate work at home program check out Don's Xocai website ==>

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Article comments

Steve L
Steve L · 14 years ago
Yeah, these fools SPAM all FREE forums like Craigslist, YahooGroups, etc with this CRAP. They make BILLIONS allegedly, but cannot afford to run a paid ad or face to face seminar, etc. Typical "fake it til you make it MLM"!! >> Experienced Business Leaders (Sarasota & Manatee Counties) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 2010-08-07, 10:26PM EDT Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Immediate Openings Worldwide leader in marketing, whose CEO and Owner has created 6 different billion dollar brands, opening opportunities within new company. Exceed $40MM in sales first year, projected to hit over $100MM in 2010, and will be a $1BB brand in next 18-36 months. Qualified candidates will have a clear understanding of income potential systems and ability to implement. This is an opportunity to be int the top 2-3% of income earners within company. Position is not within an office. All work will be done on own hours. Send name, email, phone, and resume to: •Location: Sarasota & Manatee Counties •Compensation: 100,000/yr potential income, Cash bonuses, Car Bonus •Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster. •Please, no phone calls about this job! •Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests. PostingID: 1886741740

Steve Foster
Steve Foster · 14 years ago
Capitalism has always allowed for the few to siphon the earnings of the many. Having multiple levels of marketing does not itself make a company a boogeyman (and, although such environments may encourage the fantastic claims common to sales, consumer protection laws against false advertising are a separate issue facing every company). The only inherent problem is when pyramidal organizations practice investment hiring, and thus lack a wage-earning labour foundation to absorb the inevitable loss of economic momentum. That form of employment is obviously not sustainable in the long-run since it relies entirely on the confidence of participators -- which is not unlimited. Unpowered airplanes stall and crash, wildfires burn out, and pure MLM operations collect their billions and then collapse, financially crushing the lowest levels. To survive, MLM must necessarily set its feet on the hard earth by evolving some form of retail.

Ken · 15 years ago
Snake Oil pure and Simple... Go get some vitamins people...

James E.
James E. · 15 years ago
Tom and Will, You two said it all. This is my Zrii story. A good friend of mine Dr. Kurt Wilson from Tucson AZ (A chiropractor) called me and told me about the product and the opportunity. We already had a trip planned to see him and his wife and I said i would look at when we came down. I tried the product..I liked it, he gave me all the info(for my flight home) on the product and the company, Bill Farley,Dr Chopra and the Chopra Center for Well-being. When I got home I called him and signed up as an I.E. and I have been loving it ever since.I have been in Zrii for 10 months now and I have 14 people signed up as I.E's and product consumers, I receive weekly checks and my monthly bonus check. I love the way the product makes me feel, I love the direction of the company and I excited about my future with the company. There is no scam to this company, its all Legit!! If your ready to wake up to what you were meant to be..Live up and lets fill the world with Zrii. James E. Zrii One Star I.E. Portland OR

Will · 15 years ago
Tom, You said it all. Very well done my friend. I joined Zrii 16 days ago and already have 5 IE's under me. I am very thankful for the Zrii opportunity. And for all reading this, you won't find anything, from any credible source, knocking Zrii. This product and MLM system works, and it's working for the average, everyday people all over the county. If you do the research, as I have done, you will find the truth....this is totally REAL and LEGIT! The only people who do knock Zrii, are just trying to sucker you into their "scheme" or shall I say "scam". Zrii is totally legit!!!

Thomas T.
Thomas T. · 15 years ago
Your article is interesting though obviously leaning to the negative. Once I click on your link below I instantly understand why. Your only goal is to raise dought while directing people to your own product. ANYONE in network marketing must understand that it is called netWORK marketing. I am an electrician by trade and am having great success building my business. I love the fact that this company did not start out of somebody's basement with people we have never heard of. Dr. Chopra has staked his reputation on the substance and value of this product. That speaks volumes to me. Folks, Zrii is in it's early stage of building. That is where people historically have built wealth in this business. The train is leaving the station and I for one am glad I'm on board. take care all! Tom

Renee · 16 years ago
Just signed up as IE for Zrii and now am really nervous as to if I made the right decision. I believe in nutritional supplements and drinks so the opportunity to use and sell one that I like is good. On the other hand, all the talk of the "business opportunity" seems too good to be true and you know what that say about claims like that. I have friends that are in Mary Kay, Avon, Partylite, Home Interiors, etc. that have made some money - not 6 digits - but enough to supplement their income. These companies are alos all about adding team members and are legit, but they also have a huge selection of product to sell. Zrii is just one item. I want to feel comfortable recommending Zrii to family and friends, but do you know how bad I will feel if we all get screwed. Any comments on the growth and future of Zrii and also success and unsuccessful stories would be good to read. Thanks! Happy Selling to all!

Mario · 16 years ago
Great article and great responses. Typical, the 3 ounces daily...I have tried some of these products and some are good; some are worthless. But many the MLM companies inflate these products way out of else are the "Diamond Platimum's" going to obtain financial freedom selling it? Many distributors know absolutely nothing about health. Also, depending on the product, 3 ounces may not be best for some. I attended a conference for a company some years ago...and I am telling you...I did not see anyone in the entire conference that looked like the picture of health which I found a bit odd. If any of them had approached me, I would have not been interested. Yet they were showing off with achievement rings, driving up in expensive cars and bragging about where they live. This was no doubt due to the high cost of a product and the front end cost of getting in? But the BIGGEST problem I have with all of the ones I have looked into is this: The product and opportunity are mixed. Are you [a distributor] trying to help me overcome a health challenge or are you [a distributor] trying to offer me a business opportunity? It cannot be both at the same time. Now, if you are talking to someone who has no challenges, is in the business of helping others and is set up as such, then the opportunity becomes more of something to consider...even still will that person use the product, research it to determine if it offers overall benefits for most? If I have some health challenges, [a consumer] and someone sends me to their site or talks with me in person where they are telling me how I can make $10,000 a month I am NOT interested in is an insult! The credibility of the distributor just drops to 1 in my book. Nevermind the marketing hype about health/wealth. The questions become, "How do I know it works for me" yet? Only IF it worked for me, and IF I felt the need to tell others, there should be a separate link for the business opportunity. I tried for months to talk with the CEO of a well-known company. I was ignored. I feel for the people who really are looking for answers to their health and have to put up with this. One's health is a very personal subject and must be handled with care. If there was a company that handled this in a better way, I would love to see it. For those who posted I hope it works for you...but as you meet people you might want to have in the back of your mind...what your website [replicated] might say and how it comes across.

CK · 16 years ago
$1500 start up fee and $255 a month mandatory maintenance cost. I hope you all make enough money to cover your own costs while the Diamond Platinum Director Level Executives laugh their way to the bank. (they love titles) When people stop signing up, it all crashes down and very few worker bees(compared to the whole) survive with a profit. Buying the product or the success of the product is not the business model, signing up worker bees to pay start up and monthly fees is what keeps the machine alive.

Megan · 16 years ago
I just started taking zrii and I definetly believe in the product. I know about 6 people currently taking it and it is as close to a "miracle" product you're going to get. I have always had awful allergies and it completely CURED them in 3wks, I cant say anything but wonderful things abou this product, it has also give me more energy and I can sleep great at night which I couldnt do before. I only take between one and two ounces a day, and I beleive it is worth every penny.

Sara · 16 years ago
I recently went to a fair and found out about Zirr. I am interested in the product but very sceptical in the price, can someone who has actually tried it tell me what they think. What is this blood test thing all about?

No Name
No Name · 16 years ago
I am unsure if the product works, but I am not impressed with a "gentleman" in the Bay Area that was trying to push this juice on me. I have a hard time believing that they are out to help me, rather than themselves. Just my opinion.

Joanna Green
Joanna Green · 16 years ago
Hi Don, Thanks for your apparently unbiased, non-attacking position of Zrii. I am very proud to be involved with this company and nothing infuriates me more than uneducated people who attach what they obviously have no information about. I just two comments about your post. The first is that the compensation plan, the Prosperity Plan, is actually quite simple. It pays MORE than 9 levels through dynamic compression, and you do NOT need 3 legs to get paid. My husband and I are new in the company, we have not signed anyone up yet, but our organization is 5 deep. We received a check this month just over the cost of a meal at McDonalds, but I want to stress that we HAVE SIGNED NO ONE UP!! And we only have ONE ORGANIZATION!! So, we could continue to sit on our butts, drink this great product, and eventually there will be a relatively large residual coming in-just for us being in our position. It's an amazing comp plan. The other thing is I LOVE the fact that you say there is work ahead in order to achieve an income. That, to me, is the biggest misconception that is continually perpetuated in this market by unscrupulous individuals. There are very few, if any, legitimate ways to make money overnight. If you look back at the history of ANYONE who became rich through work, entrapeneurialship, etc, all of them had to put some work into it. Zrii is no different, and the intersting thing is that NO ONE in the company is saying any different. In fact, one of the highest ranking individuals in our company has put 168,000 miles on his car in a one year period. He is making a lot of money at this point, but I think he has earned it-don't you? Zrii is the way to become independently wealthy. It may take 6 months or 12 months or-heaven forbid-2 whole years!! of work and sweat and perserverence and practice. I don't know about you, but a 2 year plan to become independently wealthy AND help other people do the same is not something that my current employer is offering. For those of us who are willing to do that, this ground floor opportunity with Bill Farley, The Chopra Center, and the leadership team is the chance that we have all been looking for. I encourage you to learn more about Zrii. It is an awesome opportunity, an awesome product, and we truly believe, and the famous Dr. Deepak Chopra called us, that we are Wellness Warriors. We are doing more than simply selling a "super juice". We are helping people to become more aware of their health as something THEY are in control of. We are encouraging them to embrace ancient wisdom to create a healthier lifestyle. The wealth will naturally occur from that vehicle. It's a great place to be! Sincerely, Joanna Green