Stress Reducers

Self-ImprovementStress Management

  • Author Michael Malega
  • Published November 6, 2008
  • Word count 801

Allow me to detail this topic for you as this article is hopefully exactly what you have been looking for.

As we often wonder what different types of stress reducers are. If some one would ask, do you feel nervous all the time? Is decision-making difficult for you? Are there times when you truly feel stretched out and want to run away? Do you feel lethargic? Have you been losing rest a lot? Do you feel uncomfortable due to certain inevitable changes that are occurring in your life?

If your answers to most of this questions in the affirmative, you may well be in the grips of stress for one reason or another, we can call it a sickness of modern times. Filling of stress has been defined as a chemical reaction or response to any kind of change. Stress acts like a sign for the body and mind to get prepared for any eventuality. In that sense, some minor stress we may say is necessity for a healthy, vital life. However, if you are facing a significant number of stress symptoms, you by all odds need to do something about it and fast, for these lasting problems could trigger some more grave types of illnesses that might be injurious to you physically or mentally. Here are four techniques that act as center reducers: The simplest of all stress-reducer techniques are imagination and deep breathing. Focus on your respiration several times in a day. Its easy and you can practice such techniques anywhere, anytime, even while you travel, shop, stop due to traffic lights, while the phone is ringing, or while waiting in a queue.

To exercise that; take a deep breath right from the pit of your stomach. Inhale through your nose. Feel the energy approaching in and renewing your body. Breathe out through your mouth, while making soft, gentle sounds that resemble whooshing of the wind every time you breathe out. Continue to take long, slow, deep breaths, which raise and lower your abdomen. Focus on feeling and sound of your breath to become more and more relaxed. Repeat deep breathing for at lowest Five minutes, one to two times a day, for a couple of weeks. Then, if you like, extend this period bit by bit to Twenty minutes if you can.

After the end of each deep breathing session, scan your body for stress and compare the tension you feel at the end of the physical exercise with what you had experienced when you started. Another stress reducer technique is visualization, wherein you can use your imagination to picture all the good things you want in life. It is based on the principle that the mind and body are closely affiliated and changes in the physical state of the body create changes in the mind. Throughout the process of visualization, we learn to use positive mental images consciously to bring about changes in the way we think and feel. It is, therefore, also named positive imagery.

If it is more relaxing for you, lie down or sit comfortably. Try to loosen and close your eyes. Than, imagine that it is a beautiful day and you are taking a walk. Give yourself mental commands to leave your chair, your room, your home and ultimately reach a place that is most soothing to you.

Try to find yourself in an open field...a huge stretch of green landscape...imagine yourself walking through the field...on the far side of the field imagine a dark and beautiful forest. As you come into the forest, through the trees, it becomes more shady and cool. Then you can go on adding to your imagination, whatever relaxes you most. As you may be unfamiliar with the skill of conscious visualization, it may take some time to learn and get better in it. However, it is rather common to be interrupted by noises in the beginning; you will get better if you practice this technique regularly. If you have trouble getting impressions from all the senses, work on your strongest sense first. At the heart of the third technique of stress reducer, which was developed by American physiologist Edmund Jacobson, is the premise that the body responds to anxiety-provoking thoughts and situations with muscular tension. This physiological or bodily tenseness can be restricted by means muscular relaxation, which in turn also reduces anxiety. In addition, how can we leave the function of laughter as second stress reducer. Remember, a chuckle a day, more than an apple, keeps the doctor away:)

• Try to spend as much time as possible with cheerful people.• Try not to always take yourself too seriously.• Keep a collection of your favorite funny books and videocassettes – it surly helps.

Hope the information above was useful. Why not browse through another article.

Michael Malega presents several Stress Reducers articles for your information. if you would like to learn more, please check here:

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