The Art Of Flirting In Life

Social IssuesDating

  • Author Francis Githinji
  • Published November 15, 2008
  • Word count 502

Flirting in life is very vital. It ensures that the human race grows on as we expand to fill the earth. Apart from maintaining the population, flirting in life is a feeling that is very pleasant to most people. It comes very naturally but, it is even better when you have the tips and guidelines on how to flirt. The art of flirting is very intricate and exciting. There are no rules when it comes to it but, there are things you should refrain yourself from doing. But why do we feel the need to flirt? Mainly, this is because we see somebody we like. Men and women will always have a natural attraction that draws them close. When you identify the person you are drawn to, you will want to know whether they feel the same way. This is when the impulse of flirting comes in. Flirting in life is the building block of all relationships. There are many forms of flirting and, it can be verbal or non verbal. Non verbal form is much easier to people because they do not have to say anything. Some people prefer flirting verbally.

The truth is, both forms of flirting compliment each other. To make a good flirt, you need to apply the two. It is paramount to have genuine feelings from the person you want to flirt with. This is the only way that the natural flirting impulses will make a difference in you. Flirting in a relationship will begin with a simple smile. This is the first point of communication. Smiles need to be real and inviting. Some people find themselves laughing out loud. Flirting is all about gentleness and, you need to take time to be calm and unpredictable. Sometimes, women are said to flirt more than men. This is often the case. The following are some of the things that a woman can do to flirt in life. They can make use of their body language. This will factor in, the use of her hands. As a woman, you can start playing with your hair or even cloths. This may be either conscious or unconscious.

You can start touching your lips in a subtle way to draw the attention of the man. This always manages to draw them in. Other things include eye contact; it is the ultimate sign of flirting. The eyes will linger on and you will make a facial impression that will not be mistaken. The eyes have the ability to show burning passion and attraction. Take time and ensure that your act is perfect. There are married people who enjoy Internet flirting. There has been a constant debate on whether this is right or wrong. I cannot say whether it is wrong or right. Everyone wants to be where the action is and, it is upon every one to have fun whichever way they choose. One thing you are guaranteed of is that, you will have so much fun exchanging pleasant thoughts about each other.

Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest ProjectFlirting In Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Flirting In

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