2008 To 2009 - Leave Your Baggage Behind You!


  • Author Koz Huseyin
  • Published January 22, 2009
  • Word count 493

What is baggage? Could it be your habits? Could it be the things that don't serve you or is it only the things you throw in the garbage? Baggage can be a number of things, and when we keep what we don't need, we are trashing our lives. End it, throw away your garbage, and get ready for an amazing 2009. Are you ready?

I once remember hearing a statement or affirmation that went: I let go of things that no longer serve me. I like this affirmation, because we all can have times when we hold onto the garbage. Things that we no longer need and don't serve us. We know we must get rid of them, but they are still somehow in our lives.

What is this baggage? It can be habits, it can be things, it could be friendships or whatever else you view as baggage. It could be poverty. If you don't like poverty, realize that you can change it. You can leave it behind in 2008, and move into prosperity in 2009. If that is what is your baggage.

Everyone has different things that they can call baggage. The key to removing baggage is to first become aware of it. If you cut your hand, you become aware of it, and deal with it, and so it is with other baggage, in whatever form it may appear as.

A standard year has 365 days in it. When we reflect, it can seem like a short time, but is it really? You have 365 of these days! Is it not best to make most use of it?

What do you want to achieve? What do you want to change? Who do you want to be? Think of them. The sooner you can do this in 2009, the quicker you can step to action, step to success, and step to achievement in 2009.

A principle that you need to be aware of, especially if you feel you can't change circumstances, is to realize that you have 2 important things that you can do. That is choice and decision. Whatever your environment is showing you or the predicaments you find yourself in, and whatever challenges you face, realize that from your position, you can make a choice, you can make a decision!

If you don't like your job, you can decide to change it. If you don't have enough money, you can change it. You can change whatever is happening in your life.

It amazes me to think about the people in countries where they have no food or shelter. The interesting thing is that even though there are people dying from starvation in some villages in Africa, the truth is that if you travel slightly, you will find that people have food, and they have shelter.

Likewise, if you find yourself in a position where you don't have abundance, realize right now, it is out there. Leave behind the garbage and the baggage of 2008, and join success in 2009.

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Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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