How Do I Advertise My Website or Blog for Free?

BusinessMarketing & Advertising

  • Author Bruce Tucker
  • Published February 14, 2009
  • Word count 826

I have helped develop, design and market over a dozen websites in the past couple of years, and invariably the number one issue that all website (and of course blog) owners have is getting people to visit. It goes without saying that if your site is useless, poorly designed or hard to navigate, any visitors you do get will leave quicker than how they found you. Although I won’t go into in this article, your website or blog must have a level of "stickiness" to it. In other words it makes people not only come back, but tell their friends.

I am going to present to you in this article a great way to attract visitors to your website, and it won’t cost you a dime. What it will cost you is persistence and time. In other words as long as you continue with your efforts in this process and are willing to dedicate an hour per day of your time, in thirty days you could be receiving thousands of hits to your website or blog.

Regardless of what your site is about you are knowledgeable in that area, and because you are you can pass that knowledge along to others. In order to do this you must write about the subject. You are probably thinking that you aren’t much of a writer, but you will be surprised that once you start writing on a subject that you are passionate about, you can pop out articles left and right.

Once you write your article about your subject you will put at the end of your article a resource box that will point the readers back to your website or blog. This allows them to know who wrote the article and how they can learn more about you.

Then simply take this article and submit it to various article directories so people can read it. Article directories are websites that allow you to post your articles and resource box for free. They receive tens of thousands of hits daily from people looking to learn about a variety of topics, including yours. Along with reading your articles, many visitors to these directories are website and blog owners themselves, and they are looking for content. These article directories allow for these visitors to do what is called, "syndication". In other words visitors can take the articles and post it on their own websites or blogs so as long as the article is intact along with the resource box! Now imagine if one article gets picked up by a dozen websites, each of which receives 5000 hits per day. That is your article and website address getting exposed to an additional 60,000 people each and everyday. Sounds exciting right? Right!

Here is how this process works. Your first step is to write an article no less than 400 words and no greater than 800 words on a topic that relates to your website or blog. For example, let’s say you run a website selling video games. You can write reviews, tips, tricks etc, on games you are familiar with (that you also sell).

Once you have your article written then write your resource box and put it at the end of your article. A typical resource box will read, "About the Author: John Jones is the owner of XYZ Computer Games. You can learn more about XYZ by visiting their website at {insert you web address here}." This resource box tells the reader who you are, puts the company name out there (if you have a company) and then of course most importantly your website address so the reader can find you.

Your article is written and it has a great resource box at the end of it, so now what do you do? The next step is to take this article and submit it to various article directories. The big ones like Bukisa, Article Dashboard and Ezine are just a few of the many good free ones out there. You can do a Google search on the term "article directory" and you will receive a list of the many you can choose from. Submit your article to these directories.

The last thing to do is to start over. In other words go back to step one and repeat this process submitting one article everyday until you receive the number of hits you are looking for. I recommend writing and submitting one article everyday. This way you have fresh content on the article directories on a daily basis. Writing more than one article daily will end costing you since your articles will be competing against one another for viewing time (unless they are submitted to different categories).

You now have the knowledge you need to build your website’s or blog’s popularity without spending a dime. If you are willing to put the time and effort in, you can receive as many hits to your site that you want.

About the Author: Mr. Tucker is a regular contributor on Bukisa, an online community for writers that pays them for their articles. You can also follow Bruce on Twitter.

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